Hi everyone

Hope everyone is well

I have included a fitness and mindfulness link you can use if you would like too, whilst your learning from home

Simply click on it


TODAYS LEARNING- Thursday 22/7/2021


Start with a little Challenge

Answer these calendar questions:

What is today’s date?

  1. What was the date one week ago?
  2. Were you at school on the 10th of July?
  3. On what date is the Olympic Opening Ceremony?
  4. In nine days time, what will the date be?


You’re in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove, and a gas lamp. You only have one match, so what do you light first?


 Continue with creating your character

you can do this in your Writers note book ( green book in your Book making folder)

Draw a picture of your character

Think about words that describe your character write them down

Think about what you can use to make your character when you come back to school

Start Planning

  • Give your character a name
  • Think about what your character could do


Keep reading

Remember about finding a good reading place where you wont be distracted like we practice in class

You may even get ideas for your character ( write them down)

If you would like to listen to a great book try this one on youtube

It is about a donkey that finds a magical pebble which

turns him into a big rock.

Find out how the magic turns him back into a donkey again.




Extra learning  when you finish the other Olympic learning

Start a keynote on the  Olympic Games in Tokyo.

– include text and images – maybe include the mascots, Olympic Rings  and images of the main stadium.

Olympic Website.   https://olympics.com/tokyo-2020/en/


Numeracy: Finish the fraction task we started on Monday. Play the game that is on the bottom of the page ( document on your desk top )

Extra Learning using the coloured squares I gave you

Fold and Cut them into the following Fractions  : 1/4  1/2  1/6  1/8

REMEMBER each piece needs to be exactly the same size

Can you number each piece?

Play a game by yourself or your family : Can you put the fraction squares  back together again?

Spend some time on Prodigy as well.

Have a great learning day

Today’s Learning 3AE

Today there is a lot of great learning planned. Try and do as much as you can. Please save your work in a folder on your desktop.

Firstly CHECK YOUR EMAILS – more information on these tasks has been sent to you by email. Information is also available in the Class Materials folder in Files on Teams.

Learning Plan:

  1. Come Read With Me
  2. Morning Admin – Calendar questions
  3. Maths – Maths Challenge
  4. Olympics Keynote
  5. Science – Day and Night Task
  6. In the afternoon – a quiz

Have a great day.


3AE Learning Tasks

Good Morning all,

Here are some learning tasks for today.

Start a keynote on the  Olympic Games in Tokyo.

Make the title page only – include text and images – maybe include the mascots, Olympic Rings  and images of the main stadium.

Olympic Website.   https://olympics.com/tokyo-2020/en/

Spend some quiet time everyday reading a book. Try and read for about 20 minutes. If you are reading a novel think about the main character in the story.  In your Art Book draw this character and write three things about him.

Numeracy: Finish the fraction task we started on Monday. Play the game that is on the bottom of the page

Spend some time on Prodigy as well.

Email some of your work back to me – screenshots or photos

Have a great day,

Mr Elder


Catholic Identity Day

Today we celebrated Catholic Identity Day. We looked at The Creation Story and compared it with the Aboriginal Creation Story. We then reflected and represented our thoughts  in painting and drawing.

Light Houses Complete

It’s time to share all the amazing Light Houses.


The Light Keeper’s Lunch by Rhonda & David Armitage

After reading  The Light Keepers Lunch we decided to have a go at constructing our own lighthouse.

Firstly we researched different types of Lighthouses and chose 4 we would consider to make.

Then we looked for workshops that showed us how we could make different light houses.

Next we designed and recorded the materials we would need in our Art books.

Today we started the construction process

We were so busy and hope to complete them on Monday

Watch this space for our completed Light houses.


2MA and 3AE Assembly

We celebrated our favourite learning from Term one  at our Assembly.

It was a beautiful celebration of our diverse cultures through dance and sharing our family language by speaking it.

Also some learning using Flat Stanley, The feels which helps us with our feelings and the book “Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus” by Mo Williams which helped us with Persuasive Writing.

We have some highlights to share with you from today.

Thank you to the parents who were able to come in yesterday to watch it live.

Our assembly was filmed so as soon as it is ready we will be emailing it to all families.

Making numbers in different ways using base 10 blocks

Today in numeracy the students engaged in using base 10 blocks to show different numbers. They recorded their findings using their laptops. The students used powerpoint and photo booth to help them.

It was exciting to see the students  use a variety  of ways to show and record the  numbers.


Let’s Play Poison

Both classes have been looking for patterns in numbers during some of their Numeracy activities.

One game that students really enjoyed was, “Who’s got the poison.”

In this game students had to identify and use different winning strategies to avoid being left with the poison.

As well as being a lot of fun, this game developed their adding ability and their understanding of number patterns.