
Over the last few weeks, we have been establishing prayer in our daily routine. Prayer is an opportunity for us to connect and communicate with God. It is a sacred and reverent time.

We have set up a prayer table with some special and sacred religious symbols to the Catholic Faith such as a statue of the Holy Family (Mary, Jesus and Joseph) a cross, the bible and various prayer books. Our prayer table is currently covered in a green cloth to symbolise ordinary time in our liturgical calendar.

At the beginning of our prayer time, we sit in a circle and set up our prayer space. Children select items from the prayer table to place in the middle of our prayer circle. We then begin with the sign of the cross ‘In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen’.

We also begin every prayer session with the song ‘Join the Circle’ by Bernadette Farrell. We have been learning some actions to the song and love singing it as a sign that we are in prayer.

The focus of our prayer sessions has been ‘Creation’ including reading stories from the bible such as the Creation story, reading books such as ‘Whoever You Are’ by Mom Fox and singing songs such as ‘Rainbow’ by Michael Chinn.

We then make time to share our own special prayers. We have been focusing on gratitude prayers and developing our capacity for thanks and gratefulness for all we have.

Here are some of the prayers that the children have shared over the weeks. Aren’t they beautiful?!

Shylah: Dear God, thank you for learning to share. Amen.

Liam: Dear God, thank you for playing outside. Amen.

Arabella: Dear God, thank you for my mummy. Amen.

Kunal: Dear God, thank you for when I play outside. Amen.

Aicha: Dear God, thank you for mummy buying a jumper for me. Amen.

Omelia: Dear God, thank you for mummy bought me a present. Amen.

Aicha: Thank you God for cuddles. Amen.

Tesi: Dear God, thank you for helping children feel better. Amen.

Omelia: Dear God, thank you for the nice colours. Amen.

Williams: Dear God, thank you for my mum reads me stories. Amen.

Tesi: Thank you God for all the creatures and make them feel better. Amen.

Ellara: Thank you for saying hello. Amen.

Liam: Thank you for my mum. I love my mum. Amen.

Williams: Thank you for saying hello at the hello song. Amen.

Ivy: Thank you for the love heart. Amen.

Tesi:  Thank you my mum cooked eggs for me. Amen.

Aicha: Thank you because my mum take me to my sleep. Amen.


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