Our Day – Monday 12th August 2019

We hope all families enjoyed a beautiful weekend. 


During our morning group time, we explored a variety of seeds using our senses of sight, touch and smell. The seeds were of various shapes, colours and sizes.

This afternoon, Brianna worked with a small group of children to observe and analyse the seeds further.

Omelia: Beans. These are nice. This is pineapple
Joel: (smelt the seeds) cheese, it’s beautiful.
Xavier: pumpkin seeds
Ellara: These feel like sausages, I love sausages!
Omelia: They’re like lemon, lemon pumpkin!
Arabella: Lemon is yellow

This morning we had some friends from year 4 in the school help us plant some strawberry and flower seedlings in pots which we will sell at the Spring Fair in October.

We planted flowers and strawberries as the children decided a few weeks ago that this is what they would like to grow. We will also be growing some carrots from seed.


We have borrowed some construction blocks with pegs from our friends in the school. These blocks enabled some wonderful collaboration and creativity.

Joel, Liam and Will were building with the outdoor construction blocks.

Will: I know what way.

Liam: Well this is the engine right?

Will: What are you making?

Liam: An engine. You put a engine into your car.

Liam was rearranging the blocks, placing them on top, taking them off and manipulating them.

Liam: I don’t need this one.

Joel: Yes, you don’t need this one.

Liam: Come here! (he takes off another block and replaces it with another block).

Liam: A engine, I making a engine.

Joel: I love engine.

Liam: This engine is going to look cool.

Joel: Cool, super, super, cool.

Nicole: How are you going with your engine?

Liam: This engine makes stuff work.

Nicole: Tell me more about how it makes stuff work.

Liam: That’s the turn off button.

Nicole: What does the engine do?

Liam: It turns on and makes this sound ‘pish’.


Our prayer today was about caring for plants.

Children then shared their own special prayers.



• Children feel safe, secure, and supported
• Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect

• Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active community participation
• Children become aware of fairness

• Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating

• Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed materials

Inquiry: Growing from Seed …… Continued

This week we have been observing and documenting the growth of the seeds we planted a few weeks ago. The children have been using magnifying glasses to look more closely at the changes and growth in their seed and documenting their observations through drawings.

Through shared reading experiences of non-fiction books such as ‘From Seed to Sunflower’ we have also been learning about the different parts of a plant (such as root, stem, leaf and flower) and stages of seed growth (e.g. root, shoot, seedling, plant).  This has helped children to develop and use the language and terminology to describe plants and their growth.


Our children have been in awe of the growth of some of our seeds, particularly the snow pea seeds which are almost ready for planting.

Throughout the week, our children have been taking care of our garden by watering our lettuce and herb plants. They are becoming more aware of the needs of plants such as sunlight and water to grow.

Early Years Learning Framework:

Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world.

  • Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment

Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners.

  • Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating

Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators.

  • Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media

God’s Creation and Growing From Seed – Monday 1st July 2019

We continue to explore growth, specifically how seeds and plants grow.

Today, we placed a Dwarf Bean seed or Snow Pea seed in a container with moist cotton wool. We are very excited to see what will happen to them and how they will change and grow.

We spoke about how to care for our seeds.

Tesi: They need sun and we need to look after them so we need to wait for the sunshine to come out. They can grow and grow and be nice and healthy. We eat fruit and vegetable to be healthy.

Omelia: Needs sun and it needs some lovely sun and moon. We need to save the plants and have it safe and not tip it and everyone not touching the plants.

In group time, we discussed what seeds need to grow.


In prayer, we read the story of Creation. We talked about all that God created.

William: Moon

Tesi:  All the animals in the sea and in the jungle.

Ivy: Sun

We then said our own special prayers, thanking God for all God created for us.

Tesi: Thank you God for all the creatures and make them feel better.

Alexander: Dear God, thank you for the nature and the world and our houses and our teachers and our friends and our sisters and brothers.

Omelia: Thank you God for me.