Investigations week 5

  1. Today me and my best friends Mary and Nhi made Ice popsicles. The ingredients were frozen strawberries, milk, Lemond juice and Honey. Once we had putted all the ingredients in the ice popsicles we then putted the ice popsicles in the fridge and waited until its frozen and ready to eat.

2.  Today I learnt how to make an Popsicles .

3. Next time I will be doing a different investigation or maybe the same one even.

Guided Reading Week 5- Mungo Man

  1. Mungo Man is the oldest skeleton ever found in Australia. How old is Mungo Man’s skeleton? Approximately…

    a. 400 years old.

    b. 4 thousand years old.


    c.40 thousand years old.

    Mungo man’s skeleton is 40 thousand years old.

  2. In which region was Mungo Man’s skeleton discovered? Add a map of the country. Mungo man was Discovered in Australia’s mungo lakes. 
  3. How did geologist Jim Bowler find the skeleton? He found the skeleton bones while he was in a research trip in 1974.
  4. Why were the traditional Aboriginal owners of the Willandra Lakes angry? They were angry because  Jim Bowler took the Mungo skeleton away from the aboriginals.

Investigation Week 4

Today in Investigation me and my friends finished writing our recipes so that we can bake some new food next week. But we all did different recipes so we had to pick one of them. So we picked Mary’s Recipe of how to make Fruit popsicle. Our teacher Mrs G told us that we will be baking it next week because we didn’t finish our recipe.

Guided Reading Week 4- Chinese New Year

  1. What calendar do Chinese people follow? Explain the answer. Chinese’s people use a different Calendar. And the Calendar that they use is called Lunar Calendar which follows the moon.
  2. What are some ways the Chinese/Vietnamese people celebrate their New Year? Chinese/ Vietnamese people Celebrate Chinese new year by wearing red, putting out fireworks and putting out red lamps and giving red cards to there children. The Chinese people have there on birth and when there birth is on one of these animals they are that animal. Like if you born in 2009 your a Ox and I was born in 2008 so that means that I am a Rat. This year Chinese people Celebrate dog of the year.

Guided Reading Week 3- Internet Safety

1. When was Internet Safety Day?

Internet Safety day was on 1998.

2. How will you stay safe on the internet this year?

To stay safe on the internet is to not be in apps that are not your age, Not chatting to people you don’t know or calling strangers and not to be putting your password, name and where you live on a app that you haven’t read.

My goals

My goals for this term is to have better grads, make new friends, learn new stuff, be in a higher level and make my parents proud. And how I’m going to do that is by do my work instead of chatting to my friends, to get things done quickly, not to be shy when new people are talking to me and listen to the teacher if there trying to tell me something new.

What I did Last year that I’m proud of

Last year I made my own art take-neat that I spent an hour to draw. It didn’t turn out good as I thought but when I coloured my drawing it turned really good then my other drawings. I wanted to to other one but I couldn’t to the same drawings as my other drawing but when I did it differently it looked much better even when its not coloured. When I coloured it. It looked just like my old drawings. And that’s what I’m proud of last year.


Today in class we did investigations me and my friends did writer’s Notebook  and my story is a Magical story and the name of my story is The Busy Pet Shop. And next week I will try to  finish my drawings and the colorers.

All about me talk

Today afternoon in class we got these bags and inside our bags has some stuff that are special to use. We were all in five groups and had to tell some other people of what we brought in our bags. I had to tell first and what I brought is a special smelling pen that my Mum and dad got for me on my birthday, also a paintbrush that my parents got for me when its was Christmas And my bffs drawing that I made for an hour.