6th Of March Fishing Excursion

Dear Dairy

The bus ride to west lakes

Yesterday me and the class went on a fishing Excursion. The bus was really late we were meant to get on the bus at 9:00 AM but we got on the bus at 9:30 AM. Me and the class took three photos all together as a class we all were really bored waiting for the truck. On the bus I saw cows in a big truck I also saw Lots of big houses, parks and lakes. Me and Taihya Were siting on the bus together I gave her a book to write al the things we saw on the bus. Me and Taihya were looking out the window and the bus stoped for 2 minutes the man took a phone call from the office we were even later for west lakes it was a fun bus ride but a bit late. We went past a playground the class short it was west lakes but it was just a playground. The Ride to west lakes was 30 minutes long.


When we got to west lakes

When we got to west lake shore me and Taihya saw a really big house we also saw a lots of fishing rod. There was a really big tree at west lakes fishing shore. Mr. McCarthy And Jason were there to help us fish. Jason was someone who was studying fish so he came to help us fish. There were lots of rock to climb. The playground was really big there was a car and a big slide that we liked playing on. After we sat down  and m



When we started fishing Mr. McCarthy was putting bait on our line and helping us cast our line. I was the first one to catch a fish all the fish we caught yesterday were to small to keep. Me and Taihya were fishing partners for half of the fishing trip. Later in the trip it was Taihya’s turn to fish so I went to climb the rocks and and to find starfish. At reissues I ate a plum and chips I missed school but fishing is fun. After reissues we Started fishing again and I learnt how to cast my line and put bait on my line. We played on the playground and I played with Mia,Shylah and Taihya we played mums and dads then Maddy started to play. After lunch I was playing on the rocks and my foot fell in the water then I got some new socks and then my shoe dried. Then we hoped on the bus and left west lakes.



The Bus ride home


On the bus ride back to school I feel asleep and then Taihya woke me up from my sleep we went past KFC and everyone was screaming KFC I got annoyed I was not Saying KFC Then we got to school and the We got to school and we all got an ice cream or icy-pole we got to play on the playground and then we got free time and I played dress ups with Maddy, Taihya, Shylah and Mia. Then the bell went and we all went home and went to bed.


From Evie


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