1. How is plastic pollution having a negative impact on animals and our environment?
The reason why plastic pollution is having a negative impact on animals is that the animals think that the plastic is food for example a turtle thinks that a plastic bag is jelly-fish but really it is a plastic bag, no one can eat plastic because you can’t digest plastic.
2. How many tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean?
Every year more than eight million tonnes of plastic end up in the ocean and it can be a problem to marine life.
3. What can you do to help the environment?
What I can do to help environment is I have to stop using plastic straws because plastic straws they can only use it once and then you have to throw it away and I can also help the environment by recycling stuff for example I put paper in the paper bin and I put any cardboard in the mixed recycle bin and I put my fruit scraps in the compost bin.

Great response Nhi! Thank you
Mrs Giannakakis 🙂
Thank you Mrs Ginnakakis!
Nhi 😄