In the holidays I went to Singapore and Vietnam, I went to Singapore and Vietnam on Thursday 25th of March which was still school. When I went to Singapore I had to wake up very early because my mum and I didn’t want to miss the plane. The people I was going on holiday were my mum and aunt because my dad had to look after my grandparents. The plane to Singapore took about 7 hours and I was really bored so I watched some videos on the plane’s TV. After the 7 hours I finally got to Singapore! When we got off the plane my mum had to check in a hotel, I had to wait a long time until the car was there. When the car was there I got on the car and the car driver drove to our hotel and then we had to check in. I didn’t stay long in the hotel because my mum and aunt wanted to explore Singapore. The last day in Singapore I had to wake up early for the plane trip to Vietnam, I had to wait VERY long but my mum said she could buy me Starbucks and I was happy. It was finally time for the plane flight and it took 1 hour. When I got to Vietnam I had to do a security check first and then I could get the luggage, next when we were out of the airport my mom’s family.