Religion – Zaccheus

We watched a short video clip telling the story of Zaccheus.

Zaccheus was a chief tax collector who was very greedy. After listening to Jesus speak from the top of a sycamore tree, Zaccheus welcomed Jesus with love and joy into his home and heart and changed his life for the better.

What do you think the story’s about?

Will; It’;s about you can never ever be mean and you always have to treat someone nicely

Zac; Zaccheus had the money because he was greedy and then Jesus came and he shared out the money

Raavi; The people weren’t happy that Jesus went to Zaccheus’ house because the people said “he is takign the money why would you visit him

Bodhi; And then after he was being nice to give out his stuff because Jesus wanted to help out all the people

Liya; Jesus forgave Zaccheus. Jesus would say ‘give the people their money back because the poor people need their money’

Ethan; He was taking the money, he took too many money

Harmony; He got angry and he hurt the old man because he wanted the money

Declan; the man said ‘please let me have some money so I can give food to my kids and family

Porsha; he should treat people how he wants to be treated, he shouldn’t take their money. And when he met Jesus he changed

Moon Lantern Making

Today we made Moon Lanterns in anticipation to celebrate the “Moon Lantern Festival” next week. The Moon Lantern Festival is is celebrated in China and other countries. The Moon Lantern Festival aims to promote reconciliation, peace, and forgiveness.

Baby Photos

On Friday we will be doing some learning about how much we have grown since we were babies.

If you have a photo of your child as a baby can you please send it to school with your child so we can share in class (please ensure that it is labelled at the back so we can return them safely home when we have finished with them). Alternatively, you can email a photo to your child’s teacher.

We look forward to sharing the photos together!

We are all different but we are made in God’s image

Today we reflected on what makes us different from each other and what makes us special.

Together we made a piece of art work to display in the classroom to show just how different we can be…

Specks of Gold

Porsha: My speck of gold was going to see all of the year 5/6 creations

Ali; My speck of gold is seeing my friends

Ethan: My speck of gold was playing with my friends at lunch

Zac: My speck of gold was playing with Bodhi and my other friends

Liya: My speck of gold was playing with Christellar and Christina at the library playing coconut coconut

Nahom; My speck of gold was eating lunch today, I had chicken

Will; My speck of gold was playing Marco Polo with Emily and Kuch

Kiet: My speck of gold was coming to school

Bodhi; My speck of gold was Zac letting me watch his laptop

Massa; My speck of gold was playing pirates with Scarlett

Yasmin; My speck of gold was going to the playground when we got our reward for filling the bucket

Eliana; My speck of gold was playing in the play ground

Nyok; My speck of gold was playing with my friends and seeing the brain cake

Spanish Animated Story Books

Today we were lucky enough to be invited by Signora Nunez to join the 5/6’s so they could share their Animated Spanish Story Books. We thank them for sharing their stories with us. We really enjoyed it.

Reading Boxes

Each Monday we have a chance to change our books in our choice reading boxes. Before we change our books we sit together and share what our favourite book of the week was. Each of us chooses from our book box our favourite book and shares with the class why this one was our favourite. We like doing this because then we are able to learn about  the books our friends like and we then have an opportunity to borrow that book if it interests us. Here are our favourite books of the week…

Writer’s Workshop

We have been working hard on our Writer’s Workshop stories. Writer’s Workshop is a time for us to write about our own interests. We have been focussing on sounding out our words and using familiar words from texts. We have also been practicing rereading our stories before we add to them to make sure we don’t repeat ourselves and to keep our stories interesting.

In the Holidays…

Welcome back to Term Three! We hope you all had a lovely and safe holidays! This morning we were so excited to return to school and tell our friends and teachers all about the things we had done in the holidays. We began the day by reflecting on some of the things we had done in the holidays.