Monday (Term 1 | Week 9)

Welcome to Monday everyone.

Today was Yasha’s sixth birthday! We sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to her and she told us that she got a cookie maker and a polar bear plushy for her birthday.

Writer’s Workshop

Today the children worked on the third page of their version of our shared text, Owl Babies. In the children’s versions, three animal babies also miss their mummy and wonder where she has gone. We also discussed the use of thought bubbles to show what characters in a story are thinking. Lots of children incorporated these thought bubbles into their illustrations alongside some prose.


Play Investigations and Book Making

Whilst Mrs Handforth and Mrs Papillo worked with individual students on their book making, other students participated in Play with their peers.


This afternoon the children shared their knowledge about Jesus and then they followed an online Jesus drawing tutorial.  What great drawings!


Come Read With Me

After the children completed their pictures of Jesus they settled down for some reading time.

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