Home Learning: Monday T2|W1


This blog page is for parents who are choosing to educate their child at home; a separate blog page for school-based learning will be uploaded daily as usual.

We are excited to be providing similar school and home based learning this term. This is a challenging task, so we ask for your understanding as we seek to provide engaging educational content to meet the needs of individual students in different settings with access to different resources. 

Thank you.



This blog post covers learning for MONDAY 27 APRIL (Term 2, Week 1).

Today’s learning includes (please click on each box to see further details):

[wmd-toggle tab_background=”#0066bf” tab_color=”#fff” content_background=”#1871bf” content_color=”#fff” border_radius=”4″ ls-id=”5e9e929da350d”][wmd-toggle-tab title=”A Literacy lesson (Mrs Handforth)”]Shared reading%3A The Smartest Giant in Town%0D%0ALiteracy Activity%3A Character Portrait [/wmd-toggle-tab][wmd-toggle-tab title=”Brain Break Fitness Activity (Mrs Cooymans)”]What will today%5C%27s brain break activity be%3F You can choose to do this activity before%2Fafter or during your learning to boost your brain and freshen up your thinking.[/wmd-toggle-tab][wmd-toggle-tab title=”Numeracy (Mrs Papillo)”] A Maths Mini activity provides a warm-up for a numeracy task involving counting.[/wmd-toggle-tab][wmd-toggle-tab title=”Religion (Mrs Papillo)”]What happened over Easter%3F Mrs Papillo has provided a storyboard and suggested activities.[/wmd-toggle-tab][wmd-toggle-tab title=”Daily Fitness (Mrs Handforth)”]Today%5C%27s suggested fitness activities involve developing gross and fine motor skills – one fo them as you practise rhyming words%21[/wmd-toggle-tab][wmd-toggle-tab title=”Story-Time (Mrs Handforth)”]Snuggling up with a story is a great way to relax. Listen to one of your teacher%5C%27s read a story. You might even get to see your teacher too%21[/wmd-toggle-tab][/wmd-toggle]

If you have any questions about specific activities please email the relevant teacher, who will be happy to provide further guidance (please note that we usually respond to email messages outside school teaching hours). You can find email addresses for the relevant staff on the CONTACT page of our class blog.


1) Lessons and activities may be completed in any order and whenever is convenient for you and your child. Your child has regular breaks and play times at school. We encourage you to provide fitness breaks, walks and free play opportunities in between learning sessions.

2) We ask that you keep your child’s learning in a safe place (such as a work book or a folder) to bring into school when he/she returns to school. Alternatively, you may wish to send us a photograph of their learning by email. 

Click play below to listen to this information read aloud:


Discuss the quote with a friend, sibling or adult in your family: What kind words could you give to people today? How will your words make them feel better? Has anyone said kinds words to you today? How did it make you feel?


Shared Reading

Hi everyone, your first text of Term 2 is The Smartest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. I hope you enjoy this story; it was one of my daughter’s favourites when she was at primary school.

Technical tip: Press this button to view the MP4 file full screen on your device.


Literacy Activity

1) Using a LARGE piece of paper draw a big picture of George in his ‘scruffy’ clothes.
 If you don’t have a large piece of paper, sticky tape or glue smaller pieces together.
Important! Leave space around the edge of your picture because tomorrow you will be adding some words to describe George. 

2) Then add colour to your picture.
You may wish to use paint, textas, crayons, coloured pencils or you may even want to collage your picture using scraps of material or torn paper – the choice is yours.

Once finished, put your picture in a safe place – you will need it for tomorrow’s literacy activity.

Here’s Mrs Handforth’s painting of George. She used two pieces of white A4 paper stuck together. She drew George then painted him with acrylic paints. Then she used a black sharpie to add outline and add detail. She has left space around George to add her writing tomorrow.

If you would like to hear the song George sings in the story as played by a ‘proper’ musician (not tone-deaf Mrs Handforth!), watch the video below and sing along!




Maths Mini: Warm-Up

You will need to go outside and into your garden or into the school yard for this activity.  I hope you have some leaves lying around!  Ask someone to read the instructions from the ‘How Many Leaves?’ section in the visual  below. Please take a photo of your learning (if you can) and send it to your teacher. 

Numeracy Activity



Let’s re-visit the story of Easter.


Who has had a friend that they really liked at Kindy or a friend that you were in the same class with last year?  Do you see them every day?  If you don’t get to see them very often then what are some ways of reminding yourself of them?

Mrs Papillo will share a story of her friend and her Nanna.

Invite the children to share their stories.
Talk about them, draw a picture of them, remember play dates, phone calls, etc.

What are some things that remind of us of Jesus?
The cross, Bible and sharing stories, jewellery, symbols (cross), pictures, photographs, our friends, etc.


Make something that reminds you of Jesus. Brainstorm a list of things that we could make to remind us of Jesus now that he is with God. If a cross comes to mind here are some videos to help you.

Cross making with paper or straw and string or portrait drawing of Jesus.

Or you could try this simple activity:



In your garden or indoors, set up a row of cones (or similar objects – be creative!) at regular intervals. Challenge your child to run backwards and forwardss between the objects ten times (or however many times you consider a suitable challenge). If you child is competitive, you can always time them and then ask him/her if he/she can beat his/her own score. If you have a ball, you could ask your child to bounce or dribble the ball between the cones too.ß

Fitness Video

Today’s fitness video is from Jack Hartman – get fit and learn about rhyming words at the same time!

Story Time

Today’s story time is Hippos Can’t Swim narrated by Mrs Handforth, inspired by Lowell reading this text to Mrs Handforth in Term 1 – because we laughed a lot!


If you’d like to find out more about hippos, NatGeo for Kids has some child-friendly information:

We hope you’ve had lots of fun today and we are looking forward to seeing some of your awesome learning.

Mrs Handforth and Mrs Papillo 

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