Home Learning: Thursday T2|W1



This blog post covers learning for THURSDAY 30 APRIL (Term 2, Week 1).

Today’s learning includes (please click on each box to see further details):

[wmd-toggle tab_background=”#0066bf” tab_color=”#fff” content_background=”#1871bf” content_color=”#fff” border_radius=”4″ ls-id=”5ea140f714305″][wmd-toggle-tab title=”Literacy (Mrs Handforth)”]Today Year 1 students will begin their recount of the main events in the story of George%2C The Smartest Giant in Town. Meanwhile%2C Reception students will be designing a new outfit for George.[/wmd-toggle-tab][wmd-toggle-tab title=”Brain Break Fitness Activity (Mrs Cooymans)”]What will today%5C%27s brain break activity be%3F You can choose to do this activity before%2Fafter or during your learning to boost your brain and freshen up your thinking.[/wmd-toggle-tab][wmd-toggle-tab title=”Numeracy (Mrs Papillo)”]Maths Mini Activity%3A One More%21%3B Numeracy Activity%3A Let%5C%27s get doubling%21[/wmd-toggle-tab][wmd-toggle-tab title=”Sport (Mrs Cooymans – featuring Mr Pearce)”]An obstacle course challenge is featured in this week%5C%27s Junior Primary Sport lesson delivered by our wonderful specialist teacher team%2C Mrs Cooymans and Mr Pearce.[/wmd-toggle-tab][wmd-toggle-tab title=”Story-Time (Mrs Papillo)”]Today%5C%27s story-time features a wonderful story from one of Australia%5C%27s most famous children%5C%27s authors …. Mem Fox%21 [/wmd-toggle-tab][/wmd-toggle]

If you have any questions about specific activities please email the relevant teacher, who will be happy to provide further guidance (please note that we usually respond to email messages outside school teaching hours). You can access to CONTACT page to find email addresses.


1) Lessons and activities may be completed in any order and whenever is convenient for you and your child. Your child has regular breaks and play times at school. We encourage you to provide fitness breaks, walks and free play opportunities in between learning sessions.

2) We ask that you keep your child’s learning in a safe place (such as a work book or a folder) to bring into school when he/she returns to school. Alternatively, you may wish to send us a photograph of their learning by email. 


Discuss the quote with a friend, sibling or adult in your family: On Thursdays we go to the school library to change our books. What do you like to read? What is your favourite book? What do you think the quote is saying? Why is it important to learn to read? How does reading help you learn? 


Year 1 Students: Recount Writing (2 lessons)

Use your story map to recount the main events in the story of ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’. This is a longer literacy task that requires perseverance and resilience – great character strengths to develop! You will have today and tomorrow to complete it.

In class Mrs Handforth will model how to write a recount. In a recount you say what happened in the story. It is different from a retelling because you just need to write abut what happened in the correct order. After reading the modelled example with the class, Mrs Handforth will move to shared composition to write about the next two events in the story. She will ask students to contribute their ideas.

In order to write a good recount, you need to use time order words to tell the reader what order things happened in. You also need to write in  past tense because the events have already taken place.

Here’s a modelled example. Time order words are in blue text and past tense verbs are in red. 

Remember! Use capital letters at the start of sentences and full stops (or exclamation marks!) at the end.


  • Adults may scribe for their child as he/she uses his/her story plan to recount the main events orally.
  • Children may wish to use a word processing programme to write their recount. Save the document and email to the class teacher.
  • Children may wish to record themselves orally recounting the story. Save the audio file and email it to the class teacher.

Reception Students: George’s New Outfit (2 lessons)

IMPORTANT! This activity is designed to be completed over two days – Thursday and Friday.

Design: Your challenge today is to design and draw a new outfit for George the Giant to wear to a special event (such as a birthday party or a sporting event) OR design some clothes for George to wear as a different giant character (such as a pirate, superhero, police officer, student, king or zoo-keeper). The possibilities are endless. Use your creativity and imagination!

You can choose to draw George in the outfit or just the outfit – the choice is yours.

When you have finished your picture you can either (1) label the clothes (write what they are) OR (2) Write a few sentences to describe the outfit.



Thursday’s Maths Mini

Today’s activity will require you to work with a partner (mum or dad?) or you can have a try by yourself.  You can use any objects around the house for this activity.  If you wish to record you can draw or take photos of your learning.

Thursday’s Numeracy

Today we are investigating doubles.  Take look at the Ladybird Doubles to 20 so you can get an idea of what doubles are. Then, have a try at drawing lady birds and filling in the answer on the suggested activity.

Can you explore more doubles?  Draw your own ladybirds by using the idea above to get you started.  You will need some paper and pencils.


Enjoy this super Junior Primary sport lesson and watch Mrs Cooymans (your specialist sport teacher) teach Mr Pearce. All you have to do is what Mr Pearce does …. good luck!


Today we are sharing the story Possum Magic by Mem Fox, a famous Australian author.  You can click on the link for Mrs Papillo’s introduction and then click on the video to watch the story.

Possum Magic intro by MPapillo0924



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