Monday (Term 3 | Week 6)

Welcome to (a busy) Week 6
featuring R1MP and R1JH’s Class Mass on Thursday and R1MP’s buddy assembly on Friday.


Today we were focusing on position and direction. We began by listening to the book, ‘Where is Green Sheep?’ by Men Fox and Judy Horacek.

Following this we discussed and compiled a table of position words. We then proceeded to look for Green Sheep in the room, drawing and writing where we found them using the vocabulary of position. Some of them were easy to spot, but others were sneaky and had hidden in some unusual places.


Today we shared ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ written by Drew Daywalt and illustrated by Oliver Jeffers.

Poor Duncan just wants to colour in. But when he opens his box of crayons, he only finds letters, all saying the same thing: We quit!
Beige is tired of playing second fiddle to Brown, Blue needs a break from colouring in all that water, while Pink just wants to be used. Green has no complaints, but Orange and Yellow are no longer speaking to each other.
The battle lines have been drawn. What is Duncan to do?


Today’s lesson investigated the life of St. Augustine of Hippo, who is the focus of R1JH and R1MP’s class mass on Thursday.

The children learned about the saint, writing his name, drawing his picture and recording some facts, whilst some children also worked on their reading parts for Thursday’s Mass.

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