RIA & RLY- Welcome to Term 4!

Welcome back everyone!

It’s great to be back together, we hope you all had a wonderful break. The children have certainly enjoyed sharing  about all the fun and exciting adventures they got up to. We are really excited and ready for a big term of learning and growing!

This week we have supported the students to ease back into their learning environment  and re-connect, supporting their emotional well being. We have also re-visted learning from last term to enable the students to reflect and demonstrate their understanding of learning concepts. This included our Word Study focus on letter-letter sounds for ‘ b, a, s, r’  through our poems and literacy stations,  completing our final books for book making, and sharing Pamela Allen stories  which will lead us into our author study next week. We also re-visted our learning on patterns for mathematics. It has been great to see their progress, we are absolutely  proud of all their learning achievements.

Our students have also enjoyed new play spaces in our classrooms. This has included a ‘Fairy garden’ and ‘  Construction Site’ bringing friends together to engage  in role play, cooperative play, problem solve and use creativity.

Next week we will begin our new and exciting learning units across the curriculum. Our focus on learning will include:

Mathematics:  Learning about 2D shapes. This will include sorting shapes based on their attributes, name and recognise familiar shapes identify shapes within the environment and create shapes.

English-  Author study on Pamela Allen to identify  crafting techniques such as movement, character, layout, images and build phonological awareness through rhyme. We will explore how we can add some of Pamela Allen’s techniques such as layout, movement and characters to add to our own books.

Word Study-  We will continue to support phonological awareness including phonemic awareness, aliteration, syllabification and rhyme.

HASS- Will continue study on  cultures and our world through stories and maps. They will have the opportunity to discuss and share personal observations and perspectives on their histories and special places, contributing to their sense of identity and belonging.

Religion- Creation is God’s gift for all to love and enjoy, connecting with our natural world and developing an appreciation for all God’s creations.

Science- Biological Science- We will explore living things deepen their engagement as they notice, observe and record their observations of the external features of different plants, animals and humans.

Arts- Both classes will be doing their first assembly this term and so lessons in the arts will provide the time to rehearse and prepare for their assembly as it encompasses all areas of the arts in a meaningful way.

Technology- Design-  Explore working with materials such as cardboard, fabric and other common household items and using equipment such as scissors and glue for design.


New Information & a Few Friendly Reminders:

  • LIbrary for RLY & RIA is on Fridays. RIA will be lesson 6 and RLY lesson 7. Please ensure all books 3 readers and 2 picture books are returned so that children can borrow new ones.
  • As we are now moving into warm weather  it is compulsory that the children wear hats outside. Please ensure all hats are labelled with names. Also summer uniforms can be worn. We provide sunscreen for the children but if your child has a special sunscreen please feel free to bring it in.
  • Our annual Spring Fair is on this Sunday and we hope to see you all there!

We are looking forward to a fun filled term! Please don’t ever hesitate  email should you have  question or need assistance with anything.

From RIA & RLY 🙂

































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