RIA and RLY Blog- Week 4

Dear Families,

Welcome to our Week 4 blog!

What an exciting week it has been for both classes! The children have been diligently rehearsing for their assemblies with their buddies.

A heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to RLY for delivering a fantastic first assembly today. RLY children, you should be very proud of yourselves, as we certainly are!

We hope you can join us for RIA’s assembly next Friday, the 17th of November (Week 5) at 9:00 am.


Book Fair: The Book Fair will commence after school on Tuesday, 21/11/23 (Week 6) and conclude after school the following Tuesday, 28/11/23 (Week 7). The fair will be open before school from 8:30 am – 8:50 am and after school from 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm, excluding Monday within these dates.

This year, Holy Family will be hosting a competition where students are invited to design a crazy hat for a chance to win a $20 voucher to spend at the fair. Forms are available from the library, and entries are due by Friday, Week 5. Winners will be announced on Monday of Week 6. Flyers with more details have been placed in the children’s reader pouches.

Nature Play Incursion: The Nature Play SA Education Team is excited to host an end-of-year celebration for learners at Holy Family Catholic School on Thursday, the 23rd of November. This immersive free-play experience aims to develop a connection to nature through exploring local flora and fauna, storytelling, and sensory play. Students will use their agency to manage their time and move between activities of interest.


  • Magic Potion Making
  • Cubby Building
  • Clay Creatures
  • Loose Parts Play
  • Watercolor Painting
  • Water Runs

Holy Family Catholic School Mini-Fest Nov 23

What did learning look like this week?

This week, we shared our new poem ‘Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake.’ The children were encouraged to write the letter ‘P’ and practice its sound, exploring letter formation and developing an understanding of letter-sound relationships.

In our author study on Pamela Allen’s books, the children delved into the features in the illustrations, focusing on movement lines and how they indicate that the character is in motion.

In Design and Technologies, the children discussed the design process, drawing their designs before bringing them to life. They were introduced to twisting techniques with pipe cleaners, drawing and then joining and twisting them to form their creations.

In Humanities and Social Sciences, we’ve been investigating global wonders—cultures, countries, and celebrations, with a focus on next week’s Diwali celebrations.

We had a productive week and look forward to another week of play-based investigations and learning.

A few friendly reminders:

  • Hats are to be worn outside. If your child has special sunscreen, please provide it to the class teacher.
  • Summer uniforms are to be worn as we transition into warmer weather.
  • Remember to bring reading bags each day with library books and the Learning Journal. Our children have their library days on Friday, returning books and borrowing new ones for the week.

From RIA & RLY 🙂