Friday (Term 1: Week 1)

Welcome to fabulous Friday everyone.  We have another busy day ahead, here is our learning for today:

Our class assistants for today did an awesome job and thanks to our helpers Ellara and Tyler for helping out with yesterday’s jobs and errands.


This morning the leaders of our school hosted the assembly.  Mr White, Mr Slater and Mr Urdanoff introduced themselves to the school community.  Our student leaders lead the school in prayer.  Here we are standing and singing our National anthem.


Numeracy – learning numbers and matching the amounts

Today we started by singing some counting songs together and then played a number game with cards and numerals.

Play Investigations


The children practised their 3 new Yoga poses this afternoon after a busy lunch playtime.


Our visit to the Fish Farm and Mudla

Well done everyone, you have made a great start to the year.  See you all next week.