Tuesday (Term 1 : Week 3)

Welcome to Tuesday, here’s our learning for the day:

Please use the following link to read our current newsletter:



Zara wanted to share her home learning this morning.  She has written the  letter t in rainbow colours.  What great idea!

My Home Reading Book

Today your child will bring home their new Home Reading Book for you to use.  Please keep it in your child’s black Library bag with their reading books.  This is a great little book to keep a record of what your child has read and it celebrates reading milestones along the way.  From time to time your child will be very proud of the many books that they have read and we will celebrate their achievements with our class.  Happy reading!

There is also a note in your child’s Library Bag today:

English: introducing the letter p

The children had a try at writing the letter p and then used their fine motor skills to weave through a paper plate with wool..

Maths  – sorting 

Today the children were invited to sort a collection of objects and then talk about how they sorted the objects.


We talked about the people inner families this morning and the fact that all families look different.  Some children shared who the people are in their family and drew a picture of their family members.

Zachary drew his family including his very tall daddy, his mum, grandparent and himself.