Week 2 Term 2

Welcome to Term 2

What a wonderful week of learning in R MR and R PN.

It is so nice to have parents back on site, as we slowly return to the new ‘normal’.

Celebrating Reading

Congratulations Kabir for achieving 75 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Ceara for achieving 75 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Sofia for achieving 75 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Rubi for achieving 75 nights of reading – well done.

Congratulations Annika for completing 75 nights of reading – well done.


During ‘Come Read with Me’ the children have been using mini magnifying glasses to look for High Frequency Words and the letters for the week – ‘w’ and ‘x’. This activity each morning is building upon the children’s stamina for reading as they focus on each page for longer as they look for  the words and letters. Then they are very excited to shared their discoveries.

Word Study

Letter  – W w

Sentence: (The children copy these in their literacy books)

The cat said Meow.

The dog said woof.

During this time we focus upon:

  • Letter formation
  • Initial sounds – words that begin with ‘w’.
  • Sentence structure – capital letters, full stops and spaces between words.
  • Recognition of high frequency words
  • Comprehension  – drawing a picture to represent the text.

Word Study

Letter  – X x

Sentences: (The children copy these in their literacy books)

The cat on the mat.

The dog on the log.

During this time we focus upon:

  • Letter formation
  • Initial sounds – words that begin with ‘x’.
  • Sentence structure – capital letters, full stops and spaces between words.
  • Recognition of high frequency words
  • Comprehension  – drawing a picture to represent the text.


During numeracy we have been exploring 2 Dimensional shapes through:

  • Finding shapes around the room and sorting them into groups.
  • Shape games on the laptop
  • Shape pictures – using coloured paper
  • Shape rotation activities (Shape blocks, geo boards, drawing shapes and pop stick shapes.

All of these activities teach and reinforce the children’s ability to sort, describe and name different 2 D shapes.


This week in health we talked about relationship circles. First we read the story Grandpa’s shoes.


Then we talked about the different people in our relationship circle that can help us: Starting with ourselves in the middle, Our family, friends and then other people in the community.

Play Investigations –

A time to build upon important learning dispositions as a life long learner.

  • Leadership
  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Resilience
  • Sustained attention

Questions to ask your child:
Who did you play with?

What did you play with?

Did you learn anything new?

Did you have any problems to solve?

What was your favourite part?

Did you help anyone during play investigations?


During HASS we talked about- This is a map and this is a globe, how are they the same and how are they different.

Then we read the story Possum Magic.

As we read the story we followed the Possum’s journey around Australia, locating the different cities on the map.

In groups the students drew a picture of Australia and then made the puppets to then retell the story of possum magic.

Book Making

Focus lessons:

  • Noticing BIG and BOLD in mentor text.
  • Why do some authors use BIG and BOLD in their books?
  • Adding details to our pictures.
  • Being a brave speller and adding words to our books. (what is around the room to help you add words?)

Questions to ask your child:

Can you tell me what you are making your book about?

Who are the characters in your book?

Have a wonderful weekend – see you on Monday

Michelle and Paul