OSHC Blog Site

  • Embracing Loose Parts and Sensory Play at OSHC
    This term, the children have immersed themselves in sensory and loose parts play. Our OSHC educator participated in a professional development session on Loose Parts Play hosted by Maria from Outside the Box Learning Company. Loose parts create richer environments for children, allowing them to explore their interests and curiosity. This type of play integrates…Continue Reading Embracing Loose Parts and Sensory Play at OSHC
  • Whats happening in OSHC
    The children at OSHC have been actively exploring board games during both morning and afternoon sessions. “Snakes and Ladders” was particularly challenging as it involved navigating up the ladders and sliding down the snakes, but it also provided plenty of opportunities for high-fives and encouragement among children as they cheered for those who avoided the…Continue Reading Whats happening in OSHC
  • What’s happening in OSHC
    Sensory Play In the afternoons at OSHC, children are fully immersed in a vibrant sensory world, engaging in activities that are as educational as they are delightful. Using couscous and ground coffee beans, they created miniature landscapes of dirt and pebbles, transforming the room into a bustling construction site for their toy trucks.  The children…Continue Reading What’s happening in OSHC
  • What’s been happening in OSHC
    OSHC… Over the last couple of weeks, the children and educators have been exploring the importance of well-being through our school and OSHC (Out of School Hours Care) values and expectations. We asked families to provide insights into their values at home and as part of their families. From this, we learned that positive connections…Continue Reading What’s been happening in OSHC
  • Week 5 in OSHC
    Reflecting on activities this term we ensured that our craft, painting, and various other activities were all set up before our young learners arrived. It was a move that notably improved the flow of our afternoon. As children walked in, they were immediately drawn to the colourful and diverse set up, diving into creative play…Continue Reading Week 5 in OSHC