Merry Christmas

Dear 1SA Students and Families,

I wanted to share with you all what an absolute pleasure it has been to share a classroom with you all this year. To witness the growth, milestones and accomplishments of these beautiful students has been an absolute joy. I watched in awe today as the students shared their carols performance in front of the other early years classes and reflected on how much they have all grown up throughout the year! Such unique personalities, clever minds, quick wits and kind hearts amongst us each and every day… we made a really great TEAM!

Which in our class stands for… Together Everyone Achieves More!

I have enjoyed getting to know all the wonderful families of 1SA and 1EJ and wish you all a joyful festive season!

In Kindness,

Mrs Sharman 🙂

Term 4: Week 7

This week students have displayed their public speaking skills; showing bravery and courage to speak in front of their peers. In English, we have also investigated letter writing and discussed the difference between formal and informal letters. During Maths, students have been collecting and representing data using pictographs. We have also explored interpreting their data and discussing their findings.



Here are a few pictures from our Math’s lessons this week. The students have been working very hard to collect data, represent it in a variety of ways as well as share their reflections with their peers. The students really enjoyed being able to move around the classroom and collwct their own data by asking questions like ‘What is your favourite pet’ and ‘How are you feeling today’.

We have continued to discuss Advent during Religion lessons and looked at the connection between the Advent calendar and Mary and Joseph’s journey into Bethlehem. You might have noticed that Advent calendars have started coming home. The students have been working very hard on their calendars with each day in December having an ‘act of kindness’ challenge. We encourage that the students open up each day of the calendar starting Friday as we will also be following along in class.

We were SO excited when we recieved a parcel from the office on Thursday. We were sent an elf to be with our class. The children wrote letters to welcome him and to come up with a name for him. On Friday we turned up to find him hanging from our roof with some Christmas decorations. Welcome to 1SA and 1EJ Ollie the elf.


On Friday we got to participate in our Nature play incursion. It was a beautiful sunny day. The children emerged themselves into all the different activities



Term 4: Week 6

Another week down in 1SA and 1EJ. Creativity has been on display this week with the completion of our uniquely designed toys and games. Inspired by our work on forces during Science, students made a variety of toys that explore different ways to make things move! To celebrate this learning, students also worked on an oral presentation to show their toy to the class. We practised the following instructions for public speaking.

All students across the school took part in the ‘Crazy Hat Competition’ to celebrate this years reading theme of hats off to reading. Congratulations to Yom in our class for being chosen as the winner for students from ELC-Year 2. All students showed off their artistic skills and creativity when designing their crazy hats.


In Maths this week, we have started a new topic looking at data and statistics. The children started off the new topic by exploring that skittles can contain data as long as we have  question that we are trying to solve. We posed the question of ‘which colour skittle we had the most of in each packet’. The children created tallies for each colour and then showcased their results in a graph. We are looking forward to investigating data more next week!


We have been working hard in Science on our arcade games. The students enjoyed designing, planning and creating their game. They were also given time to play their game with their peers.
You may have noticed the students bringing home their games this week. Have a look at our finished products.

We have begun our Design and technology focus which will continue over the next few weeks. Students will practice joining, folding, and measuring techniques to make unique Christmas decorations. Today we designed and made a shrinky keyring.

Term 4: Week 5

Here is our learning for Week 5 and what a busy week it was. This week our classes celebrated the Hindu festival of Diwali also known as the festival of lights. It symbolises the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.

We celebrated Diwali by participating in a range of tradition activities. The children had a go at making their own clay diya, a rangoli sand animal and a Diwali themed card for a loved one. The students enjoyed having a go at traditional activities from another culture and students from our own class who celebrated Diwali on the weekend shared their understandings the things they got up to with their families.

During Literacy this week we have been exploring the genre; persuasive texts. We read the book ‘Persuading Mrs Doover’ where two best friends try to convince their teacher to let them sit together by writing a persuasive argument. Then we put 1SA and 1EJ up to the challenge. All the chairs in the classroom were TAKEN and the students needed to come up with all the reasons why they needed them back. The students thought very carefully and made calm, clear and kind arguments as to why chairs were important for their school day. Thankfully Mrs Sharman and Miss Jackson were convinced by the strong evidence of their importance and they were returned promptly 🙂

In Mathematics we continued to discuss position and location with many students showing a thorough understanding of positional language. The students showcased this understanding through their very own ‘bee and flower’ books which may have arrived home this week!

On Tuesday, we were lucky enough to watch some more fish be released into our school billabongs. Mr McCarthy with help of some 5/6 students released many Yarra Pygmy Perch and Purple Spotted Gudgeons into two of the billabongs.

Australian Native - Purple Spotted Gudgeon (Mogurnda adspersa ) 6-8cm - Aquarium CentralMurray-Darling Basin's first fish extinction feared as surveys fail to locate pygmy perch - ABC News


In Health this week,we explored the importance of being assertive. Students role played what it looks like to be assertive, ensuring that they are using affective body language and tone of voice as well as keeping eye contact. We watched a story called ‘Mary Wrightly, So Politely’ and discussed that being assertive is not about being demanding or telling someone what to do. It is about being clear and honest about what you want. In groups we sorted a range of scenarios based on whether they were showing someone ‘being assertive’ or ‘not assertive’. Have a look at us hard a work!

As we are coming into the end of the year and the beginning of December, we have been learning all about Advent in religion. We learnt that Christians mark the four Sundays in Advent as a way to prepare their hearts for the coming of Jesus. The students investigated the meaning of each candle that is lit during the lead up to Christmas and created their own wreaths showing the 3 purple candles resembling hope, love and peace and the pink candle resembling joy.


We look forward to seeing everyone Monday for a another busy week of learning!

Term 4: Week 4

Welcome to week 4! This week we began our new topic of ‘Position and Locations’ for Mathematics. As a prior knowledge activity we asked students to follow the directions listed below. Students needed to understand positional language such as under, right, left, bottom, up etc in order to complete the task.

Students worked really hard on retelling the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ last week, this week they had a go at retelling ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We began by sequencing the plot of the story and identified the similarities between several versions. We then created a Venn Diagram showing those similarities and differences.


In Science, we explored that forces have size and a direction. The students investigated how far a toy car can travel depending on how hard it is pushed. We explored by pushing the cars with two fingers and then giving it a big push and recorded our findings. Have a look at us in action!

We have been working very hard this term already and thought we would take advantage of the sunshine by getting outside and enjoying Log Park. The students love building and creating in this space. Also a reminder that in Term 4, students need to be wearing hats during recess and lunch in order to play in an outside area. We also have sunscreen that the children can apply before play times.

Continuing with our work on positional language the students have been further exploring their lefts and rights. We learnt that the hand that makes an L shape is the left hand side. Students practised by completing a variety of activities including a board game where they had to move their characters following the language forward, backwards, up, down, left and right.

Left Hand Right Hand Poster by jalvaro | TPT

Term 4: Week 3

Another wonderful week in 1SA and 1EJ. Firstly, we would like to congratulate the students in 1SA for an amazing performance on stage today, celebrating all things Science! We are so proud of the leadership, courage and enthusiasm the students have shown throughout the rehearsal process and what a fabulous show they put on for us today! Some photos to come 🙂

This week in Mathematics we have been learning all about 3D shapes, we even had a go at making some too! We learned all about the words used to describe 3D shapes including faces, edges and vertices.

In Health, we have been learning about Healthy Eating and how it is important to keep our bodies and mind healthy. We investigated the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and have begun looking into the 5 food groups. We know that the five food groups are grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and protein. We created lunchboxes that contained a food from each food group as well as created a fruit and vegetable rainbow by cutting out fruits and vegetables from different food catalogues. The children enjoyed creating their rainbows and had a lot of great conversations around foods that they eat and that are in their lunchbox.

A great week full of learning, see you Monday as we begin Week 4! Only 6 weeks to go and our awesome team is off on new adventures in Year 2! Have a lovely weekend 🙂



1SA Science Assembly

So exciting… tomorrow is the big day. Here are a few reminders for our assembly tomorrow.

– Students are welcome to wear a white shirt, lab coat or white tshirt but still need to be wearing school uniform during the day. I have encouraged them to wear the white shirt/coat on top of their uniform to make it easier.

– Classroom doors will be open early tomorrow as we will be heading over to the hall around 8:50 (bell time) If you arrive late please send your child backstage so we can usher them on stage promptly

– Practise makes perfect and helps with confidence too… so if your child has a reading part some last minute rehearsal is strongly encouraged!

Looking forward to a fantastic SCIENCE ASSEMBLY with our buddies! See you bright and early 🙂

Mrs Sharman

Term 4: Week 2

Welcome to week two and what a busy week it has been! 1SA has been busy preparing for their assembly; conducting experiments with their buddies and rehearsing songs and dances. We have also been continuing our work on shapes during maths and learning about nouns, verbs and adjectives during English lessons.

In the coming weeks we will be using our knowledge of forces along with our design & technology skills to build our own arcade games. Any recycled materials you could donate would be very helpful! Cardboard boxes both big and small would come of great use to us!

Also our beloved music bowl is still missing. If you’ve seen it around or heard anything about its whereabouts, please let us know 🙂

Kotsa 4 Inch Music Bowl Tibetian Bowl Meditation Bowl Singing Bowl Price in India - Buy Kotsa 4 Inch Music Bowl Tibetian Bowl Meditation Bowl Singing Bowl online at

This week in Maths we have been focusing more on 3-dimensional shapes. On Tuesday the students had a go at exploring 2D shapes inside of famous 3-dimensional buildings. The students enjoyed going on a ‘shape hunt’ around the classroom and being able to notice many different familiar shapes. They even noticed that some images had shapes, inside shapes!

In Religion, we have been learning about The Annunciation of Mary. We read and explored the story of how Mary found out she was going to become pregnant with baby Jesus and also spoke about what families need to do in preparation for newborn babies to arrive. The students then created a 3 part comic strip to retell The Annunciation. Have a look how they turned out.




1SA Assembly

Hello Everyone,

1SA’s assembly is fast approaching and many brave students have volunteered to do reading parts. Those student will have their part stuck into their Home Learning Book. If you could help with practise at home we would greatly appreciate your support.

Hope you can all make it to the Science Show next Friday, November 3rd.

Mrs Sharman 🙂

Term 4: Week 1

Hope you all had a restful break and a big welcome back to our wonderful class community! We have so many fun learning opportunities for the students to engage with this term beginning with 1EJ buddy assembly! Teachers and students were very busy organising and rehearsing this week and did a fantastic job at presenting their learning to the school community today. Awesome job 1EJ! A reminder that 1SA will host their assembly on Friday, week 3.

We began the week with a new topic for Word Study! We are learning about parts of speech including nouns, adjectives and verbs. We discovered that an adjective describes a noun and a verb is a doing word. Look at our amazing work below…

Spring Parts of Speech (Noun, Verb, Adjective) | Nouns verbs adjectives, Part of speech noun, Nouns and verbs

Our new topic for Maths is SHAPE and the student have enjoyed sharing their prior knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. Students have been able to describe each shape’s properties including the words sides and corners.

Well done to 1EJ and 4AH today on their buddy Assembly. It was great to see all the support from families this morning. The children should be very proud of themselves.


We hope to see you all at our annual Spring Fair on Sunday! The Spring Fair opens at 11am and closes at 8pm, with a fireworks display to end the night. Stop by the plant sale throughout the day to spot some of the Year 1s creations.