Term 4: Week 3

Another wonderful week in 1SA and 1EJ. Firstly, we would like to congratulate the students in 1SA for an amazing performance on stage today, celebrating all things Science! We are so proud of the leadership, courage and enthusiasm the students have shown throughout the rehearsal process and what a fabulous show they put on for us today! Some photos to come 🙂

This week in Mathematics we have been learning all about 3D shapes, we even had a go at making some too! We learned all about the words used to describe 3D shapes including faces, edges and vertices.

In Health, we have been learning about Healthy Eating and how it is important to keep our bodies and mind healthy. We investigated the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and have begun looking into the 5 food groups. We know that the five food groups are grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy and protein. We created lunchboxes that contained a food from each food group as well as created a fruit and vegetable rainbow by cutting out fruits and vegetables from different food catalogues. The children enjoyed creating their rainbows and had a lot of great conversations around foods that they eat and that are in their lunchbox.

A great week full of learning, see you Monday as we begin Week 4! Only 6 weeks to go and our awesome team is off on new adventures in Year 2! Have a lovely weekend 🙂



1SA Science Assembly

So exciting… tomorrow is the big day. Here are a few reminders for our assembly tomorrow.

– Students are welcome to wear a white shirt, lab coat or white tshirt but still need to be wearing school uniform during the day. I have encouraged them to wear the white shirt/coat on top of their uniform to make it easier.

– Classroom doors will be open early tomorrow as we will be heading over to the hall around 8:50 (bell time) If you arrive late please send your child backstage so we can usher them on stage promptly

– Practise makes perfect and helps with confidence too… so if your child has a reading part some last minute rehearsal is strongly encouraged!

Looking forward to a fantastic SCIENCE ASSEMBLY with our buddies! See you bright and early 🙂

Mrs Sharman

Term 4: Week 2

Welcome to week two and what a busy week it has been! 1SA has been busy preparing for their assembly; conducting experiments with their buddies and rehearsing songs and dances. We have also been continuing our work on shapes during maths and learning about nouns, verbs and adjectives during English lessons.

In the coming weeks we will be using our knowledge of forces along with our design & technology skills to build our own arcade games. Any recycled materials you could donate would be very helpful! Cardboard boxes both big and small would come of great use to us!

Also our beloved music bowl is still missing. If you’ve seen it around or heard anything about its whereabouts, please let us know 🙂

Kotsa 4 Inch Music Bowl Tibetian Bowl Meditation Bowl Singing Bowl Price in India - Buy Kotsa 4 Inch Music Bowl Tibetian Bowl Meditation Bowl Singing Bowl online at Flipkart.com

This week in Maths we have been focusing more on 3-dimensional shapes. On Tuesday the students had a go at exploring 2D shapes inside of famous 3-dimensional buildings. The students enjoyed going on a ‘shape hunt’ around the classroom and being able to notice many different familiar shapes. They even noticed that some images had shapes, inside shapes!

In Religion, we have been learning about The Annunciation of Mary. We read and explored the story of how Mary found out she was going to become pregnant with baby Jesus and also spoke about what families need to do in preparation for newborn babies to arrive. The students then created a 3 part comic strip to retell The Annunciation. Have a look how they turned out.




1SA Assembly

Hello Everyone,

1SA’s assembly is fast approaching and many brave students have volunteered to do reading parts. Those student will have their part stuck into their Home Learning Book. If you could help with practise at home we would greatly appreciate your support.

Hope you can all make it to the Science Show next Friday, November 3rd.

Mrs Sharman 🙂

Term 4: Week 1

Hope you all had a restful break and a big welcome back to our wonderful class community! We have so many fun learning opportunities for the students to engage with this term beginning with 1EJ buddy assembly! Teachers and students were very busy organising and rehearsing this week and did a fantastic job at presenting their learning to the school community today. Awesome job 1EJ! A reminder that 1SA will host their assembly on Friday, week 3.

We began the week with a new topic for Word Study! We are learning about parts of speech including nouns, adjectives and verbs. We discovered that an adjective describes a noun and a verb is a doing word. Look at our amazing work below…

Spring Parts of Speech (Noun, Verb, Adjective) | Nouns verbs adjectives, Part of speech noun, Nouns and verbs

Our new topic for Maths is SHAPE and the student have enjoyed sharing their prior knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. Students have been able to describe each shape’s properties including the words sides and corners.

Well done to 1EJ and 4AH today on their buddy Assembly. It was great to see all the support from families this morning. The children should be very proud of themselves.


We hope to see you all at our annual Spring Fair on Sunday! The Spring Fair opens at 11am and closes at 8pm, with a fireworks display to end the night. Stop by the plant sale throughout the day to spot some of the Year 1s creations.


1EJ Buddy Assembly | Friday 20th October

This Friday the 20th of October 1EJ and 4AH will be presenting their buddy assembly in the hall at 9:00am. All family, friends and caregivers are welcome. Photos will also be posted on the blog Friday afternoon of the students on stage.

All children have an important roll to play in the Assembly and some of those roles involve speaking parts. Speaking parts will be glued in students home learning books and sent home tomorrow.

We will be performing a dance during the assembly that the students have been working hard on during art lessons. If students would like they can click on the link below and practice at home.

Term 3: Week 10

The final week of Term 3 flew by and now it is time for a restful holiday break.We finished off the week by completing our amazing non-fiction texts about animals, we discussed time and duration during Maths and looked at the Creation story for Religion. Some amazing dance performances were showcased as students practised their 8 count and locomotor movements learnt during the term. Finally, Student writing skills have improved tremendously over the term and with only 1 term to go of Year 1, there are many students showing readiness for the learning that will present itself in Year 2!




We hope you all enjoy this time with your families! A reminder that summer uniform is to be worn when we return to school as well as compulsory hats for outside play time. HAPPY HOLIDAYS 🙂

1SA staff change for term 4

Hello parents / carers of 1SA

We would like to inform you about a teacher change that will take place in the first few weeks of Term 4.

Jessica Altschwager (Mrs A) must undergo an operation in the coming school holidays. This operation requires quite a large recovery period.  Therefore, she will not be able to be with our class on Thursdays and Fridays for the first few weeks at least. The good news is that Mrs Sharman will be covering these days for the first 3 weeks. Therefore, Mrs Sharman will be the full time Monday – Friday teacher for Term 4: Week 1- 3. Mrs A is hoping to return to her days in week 4.

We aim for this to be as little disturbance to our students.

Please contact us about any questions and queries regarding this arrangement.

Kind regards,

Jessica Altschwager and Rochelle Sharman

Sports Day / Colour run reminders

Hi All,

Just a few reminders for tomorrow – our annual Sports Day and Colour run.

Students will need to wear their sports uniform but may wear a coloured shirt for their sports team.

Students are allocated to one of the Houses listed below:

St Mary MacKillop – Black

St Pope John Paul II – Red

St Vincent de Paul – Cream


Our Year 1 students will be participating in Sports Day activities from 9-11am and then the colour run from 1.45 – 2.15. Please note that students can be signed out and leave early on the conclusion of the colour run at 2:15… just see their teacher when collecting them. Students will also need an old white or light-coloured t-shirt for the colour run as they will be covered in coloured powder and slime. This could be packed to change into or worn underneath their coloured tops.


Parents welcome!

Thanks so much,

Jessica Altschwager and Emily Jackson

Term 3: Week 9

Another busy week full of fun and learning. Students had so much fun today; enjoying a shared lunch and celebrating the Moon Lantern Festival at assembly. The students completed their learning on length and explored word families in English.

The teachers of Holy Family worked together on Wednesday, learning more about the Berry Street Education Model. Here are some strategies you can use at home to help with moments of stress; for both adults and children!


Berry Street Education Model

Moon Lantern Celebrations

Thank you to all the families that bought in food to share. We had a great shared lunch