Work Placement from SEDA College

Hi! My names Bella and I am a year 11 student from SEDA College and I have been doing work placement with 1SA as a part of my school program. I have been coming in every Tuesday since the beginning of the year and have been loving helping out the class and working with all the students. I have a huge love for sports, more specifically Netball. I play for a few different netball clubs, and my favourite position is GA!

I am actually a graduated student from Holy Family! I started here right from reception and completed primary school in year 6 in 2018. Unfortunately I never had the chance to have Mrs Sharman as my teacher. I was a part of the last 6/7 class and the year 6s and I were the first year 6s to graduate primary school!

I extremely enjoy working with the early years, such as the receptions and year 1s. And I have always wanted to become a primary school teacher. Hopefully one day here at Holy Family, just like Mrs Sharman! After working with 1SA throughout the course of this year it has really excited me for my future, I have developed so many new and important skills and it has built my confidence to work hard at my dream by a mile! I am hoping to continue my work experience at HFCS next year, complete year 12 at a high standard and begin my studying in university as soon as possible.

Term 3: Week 8

This week in 1SA and 1EJ we have continued our work on length during Mathematics and worked hard on our non-fiction texts in English. We also investigated the ‘Moon Lantern Festival’ and created our own lanterns that will be judged next week and showcased at next week’s assembly (Friday 22nd). Our cricket and soccer clinics have been very well received by the students and perfect for this sunny week.

Starting off our Monday morning we were lucky enough to be out in the sunshine for our Cricket clinic. This weeks focus was on batting and fielding. The students enjoyed practicing these skills as well as showcasing their skills of teamwork. Have a look at us in action!

Continuing on with our mathematics work on length. The students showcased their measuring skills by measuring different parts of their body. We had a practice as a whole class making sure that when we measuring we don’t leave gaps, don’t overlap the materials, use the same units of measure for all body parts and start at the correct starting point. The students loved investigating and comparing their results with their peers.

Religion – This week we finished off our ‘Story of Me’ books. Over the last few weeks in our Religion lessons, we have explored some milestones in our own lives so far. We created these books after learning about some important milestones in the life of Jesus. It was a beautiful way to discuss that we come to the classroom shaped by our cultural and family backgrounds.

HASS – In this lesson students discussed features of local places and how they have changed overtime. We looked closely at the changes that have happened over the last few years at Holy Family.


Reminders for week 9:

  • PUPIL FREE day on Wednesday 20th September
  • Shared lunch Friday 22nd for Moon lantern festival

Term 3: Week 7

Welcome to Week 7. So many excited learning experiences this week. Students have been working hard on creating their own non-fiction books; inspired by animals in the MUDLA. We have also looked further into our new Maths topic of length. Dance, Writer’s Workshop, Cricket, Health, Religion and Play has also been squeezed into a very busy week.

Our Dance theme this term has been “I Like to Move it”. We have explored different ways to move our bodies through locomotor and non locomotor movements. We have learnt to count to the beat of the music with an 8 count, as well as exploring audience and performance etiquette.

In Maths we have been exploring the length and height of many objects. On Thursday we had a go at measuring dinosaur fossils. We used our fossil ruler to make sure we were measuring accurately. Have a look at us measuring and recording how many bones long our fossils are. Can you spot which dinosaur is the shortest and which is the longest?.

This afternoon we started to create some pots as part of our Design and Technology learning for our stall at the Spring Fair. Watch this space over the next few weeks for the finished products


Father’s Day gifts coming home today

Over the last few days we have been talking about our dads and what Father’s Day is for.

We all created a father’s day card, a questionnaire and have purchased a small gift from the stall (some children have $ change in their bags from these purchases.)

All these special items should be coming home today.

To all of the dad’s and father figures in our beautiful children’s lives… HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!! We hope you have a great day.


Year 1 sports clinic fun!!

The Year 1s have been lucky enough to participate in 2 sport clinics over the past two weeks. They have participated in a Soccer clinic ran by SEDA College students and a Cricket clinic ran by the South Australian Cricket Association. The children have loved being outdoors and learning new skills for both sports. There are a few weeks left of each clinic over the remainder of the term.
Enjoy some photos of the students in action!

Cricket Clinic

Soccer Clinic