Thursday 1/8/19

This morning we read the story, ‘the Tiny Seed’ by Eric Carle.

The children shared their reflections:

Liam ” I wish some of my mum flowers grow very big to the sky. It will need a lot of water”

Aicha “Seeds grow all the flowers”

Arabella “Mum puts water on the flowers”

Omelia “I liked when the wind blew all the seeds”

Aisha “I love flowers and I give some to my mum”

Tesi “I like to put seeds and see the shoot and I like to look after my plant. I just look after them and wait til they grow”

Ambrose “Seeds grow and my mummy grow my flowers”

Kunal “My mum grows big flower with so many seeds”

This afternoon we visited R/1MC and R/1EN for investigative play. It was fantastic to see the children as active participants in their learning, have fun, and engage in meaningful interactions with the R/1’s. During this transition we practiced walking mindfully through the school.

OUTCOME 1 : Children have a strong sense of identity.
OUTCOME 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
OUTOME 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
OUTCOME 4: Children are confident and involved learners.

Specks of Gold

Tesi – “My speck of gold was seeing Yasha and played with her”

Aicha-  “I was playing with Tesi”

Ambrose- “My speck of gold was going outside and hide and seek”

Omilia- “My speck of gold is going to school”

Arabella- “My mum put my bag away”

Aisha- “I love playing with the school in yours class”

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