Terrific Thursday

A highlight of the day included our outdoor play. We used the equipment from the exploration space at our school. Allowing the children to play on the sensory crash mats and balance beam, stimulates multiple senses and encourages children to interact more with their world. It supports visual processing, spatial orientation as well as self regulation. Children are also stimulating different parts of their brains, exploring their feelings and well being (strength work / gross motor). Children gain a sense of control in the space. Have a look at our fun!

The weather was so beautiful we also enjoyed visiting the playground.

Thank you to the choir girls for singing to us this afternoon.


Thursday 5/9/19

This morning we were all so excited to gather around and see the baby chicks. We continued our growth inquiry surrounding the baby chicks.

We also visited Log Park, the Fish Farm and MUDLA room.

We returned for morning tea, enjoyed a visit from Playgroup, and then engaged in Investigative Play.

We also learnt a new dance today… the chicken dance!!


Book Week 2019

Dear parents and families,

Alive ELC invites all children to come along and dress up as their favourite book character to celebrate Book Week! Our school assembly is on Friday 23rd August from 9 -9.30am. A friendly reminder that if Friday is your child’s day, then they need to be at the centre at 8.45 am to be ready. Everyone is welcome, however all other children will need to be accompanied by their parent and meet us at the school hall for assembly. We look forward to seeing you all there. Happy reading and creating!


Thursday 15/8/19

Wow! what a busy day we had at ELC today…

Log Park– We all started our morning exploring in Log Park, allowing the children to engage, interact, run, climb and laugh. The children were busy creating houses. Joel said “Tesi come to me house, come in Tesi”. We had amazing team work climbing the tree. We also had lots of creativity and collaboration as the children engaged in balancing games.

Ecology– Our children have been very dedicated to looking after Strawberry. Today we decided to celebrate the beautiful weather and take Strawberry to the oval. This learning opportunity saw Simon from HFCS join us. We were able to hold and observe the large long neck turtle from our MUDLA room. We also had the opportunity to feed the fish in the Fish Farm.

Investigation Play- We then engaged in play-based investigations, showcasing our ongoing learning powers of belonging, creativity and collaboration.

Mass- We attended the Assumption Mass with the whole school.

Afternoon investigations with R/1MC- It was great to children actively construct their own understandings and contribute to each others’ learning. They recognized their agency, capacity to initiate and lead learning. The children were able to further extend their learning, building on and challenging their ideas.

Specks of Gold

“My speck of gold is carrying the turtle”- Liam

“My speck of gold was patting the turtle and going to church”- Aisha

“My speck of gold was going to the Fish Farm and seeing the fishes and going to the log park-” Joel

“My speck of gold was school”- Arabella

“My speck of gold was going to church and my sister sitting next to me”- Aicha

“My speck of gold was sitting next to my sister at Mass”- Tesi

“My speck of gold was playing with all my friends”- Ellara

“My speck of Gold was patting the turtle and going to my class”- Ambrose

“My speck of Gold was Tesi and me was drawing on paper” – Omelia

“My speck was patting the turtle”- Arielle

Thursday 1/8/19

This morning we read the story, ‘the Tiny Seed’ by Eric Carle.

The children shared their reflections:

Liam ” I wish some of my mum flowers grow very big to the sky. It will need a lot of water”

Aicha “Seeds grow all the flowers”

Arabella “Mum puts water on the flowers”

Omelia “I liked when the wind blew all the seeds”

Aisha “I love flowers and I give some to my mum”

Tesi “I like to put seeds and see the shoot and I like to look after my plant. I just look after them and wait til they grow”

Ambrose “Seeds grow and my mummy grow my flowers”

Kunal “My mum grows big flower with so many seeds”

This afternoon we visited R/1MC and R/1EN for investigative play. It was fantastic to see the children as active participants in their learning, have fun, and engage in meaningful interactions with the R/1’s. During this transition we practiced walking mindfully through the school.

OUTCOME 1 : Children have a strong sense of identity.
OUTCOME 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
OUTOME 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
OUTCOME 4: Children are confident and involved learners.

Specks of Gold

Tesi – “My speck of gold was seeing Yasha and played with her”

Aicha-  “I was playing with Tesi”

Ambrose- “My speck of gold was going outside and hide and seek”

Omilia- “My speck of gold is going to school”

Arabella- “My mum put my bag away”

Aisha- “I love playing with the school in yours class”

Visiting the Fish Farm and MUDLA- Thursday 25th July

We believe the learning environment plays a big part in children’s learning. A pillar at our school is Ecology and we are very fortunate to have many learning experiences offered at Kuyangani and the MUDLA room.  Today we started our morning by going to the MUDLA and Kuyangani with 5/6HS. With the help of the year 5/6’s, we explored and had a look at the different types of aqua life. Each child was then given the opportunity to feed the fish, engage in dialogue and investigate. We also enjoyed spotting the hopping mice, feeling the bearded dragon, touching the turtles and searching for the green tree frog.  The children used the character strength bravery and curiosity when feeding the fish.


OUTCOME 1 : Children have a strong sense of identity.

OUTCOME 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world.

OUTCOME 4: Children are confident and involved learners.

What was your Speck of Gold?

“My speck of gold was my mum put my bag away”- Arabella

“My speck of gold was playing hide and seek” – Kunal

“My speck of gold was patting the lizard” – Liam

“I was looking at the turtle” – Aicha

“Because my mum and dad put some bag in my locker” – Ellara

“My speck of gold is my mummy walking me into the school” – Oliva

“I love going to the playground and playing” – Aysha

“My speck of gold is going to the play ground and the Fish Farm and the MUDLA room” – Tesi

“My jumper”- Tavae