Warm-up Rhythm Reading Song

This video is a great place to start getting into tempo and rhythm. This is what each rhythm lesson should start with.  All of the students from Reception to Year 4 know this warm up. It can be clapped, stamped or even walked around to. Just make sure you stay in time with the video. If you master this move onto the harder videos!!

New Music Teacher Mr. Collins

Hello my name is Adam Collins and I am the new music teacher at Holy Family. I am so happy to be posting my first blog and collating and creating online resources for our students to use when distance learning. I love music and have found that the students at Holy Family share this passion. Dancing, singing and playing instruments are all ways that this passion can be encouraged, in class and at home, without many resources being required. This blog will also have videos, games quizzes and videos, that will guide the students and parents through activities to help with distance learning.