Monday (Term 1 | Week 10)

Welcome to Week 10 Home & School Learners!

Starting from tomorrow we will be blogging at the start of the school day, so home educators can access the learning we are doing over the course of the day. We will add photos of our school learners to the blog by updating it at the end of the school day as always.

Here’s Monday’s learning as took place in school today:


Today we read one-to-one with our teachers – most of us read two readers. Reading daily is so important for all children in Reception and Year 1.

We then split into two groups for our ‘Letters and Sounds’ learning.


One group were learning about the letter c making the short ‘c’ sound. We viewed an interactive PowerPoint, which home learners can download here: C PowerPoint .

The students learned the action for the letter whilst saying the sound:

Here is the sound the letter c makes:

They also learned the words to and sang a short rhyme:

You can listen to the tune here:

We sounded out consonant-vowel-consonant words, blending the sounds to read words such as: c-a-t = cat, c-o-p = cop, c-o-t = cot, c-a-p = cap. Then we used the interactive PowerPoint to make the words we heard by identifying the sounds and the letters that make them.

After this the students undertook a cut and paste activity, whereby they had to identify the word represented by a picture, say the word, say the sounds in the word and finally select and stick down the letters that make the sounds in the correct order to spell the word. They then chose a picture from each page to write a sentence about.

If you would like to try this activity with your child at home, you can download the sheets below and get your child to write the letters for the sounds they can hear OR cut and stick them.

Download Sheet 1  and Download Sheet 2.

For more practice at home you could write some letter c’s on paper and stick them around the house, so your child can go on a ‘c’ hunt. Alternatively, you can download these letter c’s on curly caterpillars for your child to find around the home.

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  • You could also look through newspapers and magazines to find objects and images beginning with the c sound as represented by the letter c. Make a collage of the pictures you find.
  • A further idea is to play I spy … walk around your home and identify as many things you can that begin with the letter c. You could record these using words and pictures. You might even want to make a mini book all about things beginning with c.
  • Look through your readers or other books and record all the words you can find that begin with or even contain the letter c. How many did you find? How many can you read?

Another group worked on the digraph ‘sh’.

The children wrote out the following list of words, saying each word aloud and underlining any sh digraphs they spotted.

List words:

  • ship

  • shop

  • shut

  • shin

  • sheep

  • wish

  • dish

  • fish

  • brush

  • smash

They then answered the following questions:

  1. Which three list words have five letters?
  2. Which three list words rhyme?
  3. Which two list words have four letters and end in p?
  4. Which list word has an ee sound?

They then unjumbled the scrambled list words:

  1. sifh
  2. hdis
  3. ohps
  4. iwhs
  5. ihps
  6. snhi

To complete today’s learning about sh, they then had to read, write and illustrate the following captions:

  1. A fish on a dish
  2. A sheep in shop

Tomorrow the children undertake a sh word search, a close exercise and a crossword puzzle containing the sh sound. These will be uploaded to Tuesday’s blog.


Today the children did an Easter themed number recognition activity.

They then made a ‘Frog in a Pond’ jelly, measuring liquids to make the jelly. You could make jelly with your child at home, using a measuring jug to put in the correct quantities of liquid and stressing the importance of following instructions carefully. Of course, you can use any character to put into your jelly pond.

If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try making a pond with water lily flowers?



Today we started a papier-mâché art and craft project. The children decided on the animal they wanted to make; they looked through books to get ideas for their creations. Unicorn heads were popular, although Sam did choose to make a gorilla!

This is an easy activity to undertake at home. You will need: PVA/water or flour/water, a balloon and some newspaper. We would love to see any creations made at home – please email a photograph to either Margot or Jo  so we can include them on our blog. Our email addresses are and

Today we used strips of newspaper and a mixture of PVA glue and water (you can also use flour and water mixed into a paste) to cover a balloon. Before covering it, we added features with newspaper and card, sticking these down with masking tape.

Here’s two examples:

Tomorrow, we will add another layer of newspaper. On Wednesday, we will paint and decorate our animals. Watch this space!


Why not try some dance yoga fitness at home? Have fun with your family by getting the adults to join in!

Remember to WASH YOUR HANDS regularly at home as we are doing in school. Sing ‘Happy Birthday to Me’ twice as you wash carefully:









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