Thursday (Term 2 | Week 6)

Welcome to a beautiful sunny Thursday at Holy Family.

Here’s our learning for today:

Whilst each class was participating in a Sport lesson with Mrs Cooymans, the other class were developing their reading skills in pairs, enjoying ‘Come Read With Me’. 


We shared our ideas about what creativity is and how we use it. Here are the children’s thoughts:

We also watched some of this video in which someone is amazingly creative using just their hands to make artwork:




The children were invited to reflect on their creativity in their learning journals:



Today the theme of the lesson was friendship and inclusion. We began with Mrs Handforth reading the story of ‘The Carrot Club’.  You can listen to the story below. In the story, the carrots have created a club where only carrots can hang out and play. When the other vegetables discover the club, the carrots tell them they are ‘too boring’ and ‘not cool enough’ to join. Only carrots are allowed. Until … Polly Parsnip paints herself orange and disguises herself as a carrot. The carrots love her! She can sing, dance, play and is very funny! One day Polly, without thinking, jumps into a swimming pool and the carrots realise that she is actually a PARSNIP! Will the carrots accept her for who she is? Or will they tell her to leave?

When we went out for fitness, we asked the children to be as inclusive as they could in their play. The challenge was to make sure everyone felt they belonged. And what a wonderful job they did!

This group of children played shop, taking orders on their mobile phone (a piece of bark) and creating pizzas, brad rolls, cupcakes, ice cream and jellies. All of which tasted amazing! Well done Ebony, Scarlett, Shruti and Priya.

Ebony tells us about the shop:

Isabella, Ariana and Mikayla worked collaboratively to dig a hole. They discovered that at the bottom of the sandpit, the sand met with soil! The hold grew and got a log frame. Then other children got into the hole and it became a portal!


Anthony and Liam started filling a red container with sand to make a castle. As other children became interested in their play, Anthony and Liam included them in the activity.

Abhay started making sandcastles along the perimeter of the sandpit and others saw this idea. Abhay let them join in and help him:

Meanwhile, in Log Park, Dylan and Andrew were dragons. Andrew was holding onto his precious dragon egg as Hartley and Abel, the pirates, wanted to steal it!

Victoria, Nicole and Sahana were playing ‘house’. There was a log baby, and Victoria gave it a bath.

Lowell, Vonn and Yasha got busy building a gym.

Riva and Kyle were duelling with swords and magic lanterns.

Riva and Kyle talk about their play:

And the soccer teams played harmoniously:


We finished the day singing Happy Birthday to Andrew, who gave every child in the double class a gift to help share his special day (on Saturday). Such generosity of spirit and so many appreciative and well mannered children said ‘Thank you!’

What a wonderful day!

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