Monday (Term 2 | Week 8)

A warm welcome to Week 8

During organisation some excited children were keen to share their recent reading achievements. Congratulations to:

  • Sam for achieving his 75 Nights Reading Award
  • Tri for achieving his 50 Nights Reading Award
  • Ayan for achieving his 75 Nights Reading Award
  • Braiden who is close to achieving his 75 Nights Reading Award

And a special mention for Isabella who is one night reading away from achieving her 125 Nights Reading Award!!!  

Here are the proud achievers:

Thank you and well done to all our parents and children who engage with the Home Reading books; there is a real buzz about reading in the class, and this aspect is certainly one element contributing to it.


A reminder that tomorrow (TUESDAY 16 JUNE) we have our Dining Hall Lunch and that the students will be invited to have some pasta (vegetarian) and garlic bread with jelly for dessert. Please ensure your child brings a plastic or paper plate and some cutlery (knife, fork and spoon), as well as their recess, fruit and water bottle. Thank you for your cooperation.


Here’s Monday’s learning and our June/Week 8 calendar:


In Numeracy today the children were investigating numbers. Some children worked on a number challenge task with Mrs Papillo whilst others explored various provocations based on number recognition, counting, writing numerals and numbers, number sequences, number calculations and so on.

Here is the number challenge task and some of the  children’s responses:


Today we read the story ‘My Name is Not Refugee’ by Kate Milner. We learned about a young boy who had to leave the town where he lived because it was unsafe. He left with his mum and travelled to a safe country, but one where he could not speak the language, where the food was different and even the transport.

We were lucky to have Mrs Hong Nguyen in class during the sharing of this book. At the end of the story, she briefly told the children about her journey to Australia at the young age of 18 and having responsibility for her 14 year old brother too. The children were amazed to hear that when she set off from Vietnam, Hong had just twenty dollars and two changes of clothes in her bag.


Our provocation to the children today was to respond to one of the questions in the book: You can pack your own bag, but remember only take what you can carry, What would you take?


Mrs Papillo discussed prayer with the children this afternoon. She asked some questions for the children to reflect and provide feedback to: What is prayer? Why do we pray? How can we pray? When can we pray? What can we pray about? 

She also informed the children that whilst Holy Family is a Catholic school, many children who attend the school belong to other faiths who also pray: for example,  Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Our class prayer table was used as a provocation for the discussion as well as music, the crucifix and  the Bible. Themes such as quietness and reflection were also mentioned.

The children selected some new items for the prayer table and then began work on designing and making an artefact, prayer or picture to add to the display. A group of children wanted to draw pictures of Jesus to laminate and hang on the class prayer tree. Mrs Papillo ran an art tutorial for these students and wee had a host of lovely Jesuses created, including these ones:

Ebony and Mrs Handforth spent some time following an art tutorial to draw Mary, who Ebony chose to illustrate for our prayer area:

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