Wednesday (Term 4 | Week 1)

A Warm Welcome to Wednesday!

Today is Isabella’s 7th birthday. We sang happy birthday to her and gave her seven big claps.

Congratulations to our awesome readers. 

Vonn has achieved 150!!

Today’s text was My Shadow is Pink by Scott Stuart.

Letters and Sounds
Group 1 were learning about the letters and n and g working together to make the /ng/ sound, as in king, sing, thing and string.

Group 2 were learning about the letters u and r working together in words such as purse, hurt and curl. This is sometimes known as ‘bossy r’ as when r comes after u and e and I it controls the sound, so that we pronounce er/u/ir the same way.

Group 3 were revising and consolidating letters and sounds from Phase 2 of our phonics learning. They enjoyed a letters and sounds relay on the oval, mixing literacy learning with fitness.

Today the children continued with the learning started yesterday.  The children counted  the number of legs each animal had and added the total.  Students are working at varying levels as they usually do with numeracy and literacy activities.

Play Investigations

Today our class had the laptops to use and investigate different software. 


Today’s learning centred around the physical properties of different materials. The children learned that objects made from some everyday materials can be physically changed by bending ad foldings, depending on their shape. In small groups, they explored a range of different materials. As they did so they completed an observation table, naming the objects they tested, identifying what they were made of and saying if they could bend it. 

The children used a pre-prepared table to populate with their observations and information. Year 1 students buddied up with Reception students to help them complete their tables. Well done, everyone – great teamwork and resilience!

Outdoor Fitness

We ventured outside for a short time this afternoon.

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