Wednesday (Term 4 | Week 3)

Welcome to a warm sunny day of learning …


The children continued to author their books this morning.  Mrs Papillo worked with a group of children and so did Mrs Handforth. We were very interested to hear and learn about many topics that the children are experts on. 

This is Riaan’s information book about soccer.

This is Sahana’s information book about Indian Food.

Liam started a book on Bali Creatures, featuring a sand crab.



Today the children took a collection data from their friends about favourite animals.  The animals to choose from were a fish, a dog or a cat.  Firstly, each student asked their peers which was their favourite animal and this was recorded using tally marks or another form of mark making.  Next, the students made a picture graph using the data they collected. 


There was an optional Halloween focused art activity in play investigations today which some children chose to engage with – making a newspaper witch face with crazy, scary hair.

Other children were investigating elsewhere:



Today the children were investigating how scrunching affects different sheets of materials: aluminium foil, paper towel, crepe paper and Chux. 

The children created a table in their learning journals and recorded their observations of what happened when they scrunched up each material as tightly as they could. We discovered that some sheets of material scrunch up better than others.

The vast majority of children thought that the al foil was the materials that scrunched up into the small set ball. A handful felt the paper towel was the winner. No-one thought the Chux was easy to scrunch. As Abhay said: ‘It just goes back to its shape when I let go of it.’

How small the material scrunches up depends on the properties of the material, for example its plasticity and elasticity, and whether it sticks to itself (self-adhesive). A material with high plasticity, e.g. play dough, changes shape when it is scrunched up and doesn’t return to its original shape.

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