Monday (T4 | W7)

Welcome to Week 7!
And just like that most of us were back in class ….

Here’s our learning for a truly marvellous Monday. We say a big hello to our awesome home learning visitors and look forward to seeing you next week!

Shared Reading

Today we shared the very lovely book, Meerkat Mail, illustrated and written by the very talented Emily Gravett.

Sunny the meerkat lives with his enormous family in the Kalahari desert. They are all very close… so close, in fact, that one day Sunny decides it’s just too crowded and packs his bags. He’s off to visit his mongoose cousins. But from the watery world of the Marsh Mongoose to the nocturnal lifestyle of the Malagasy Mongoose, Sunny just doesn’t fit in. And who’s that shadowy figure who seems to be following him around?

There’s so much to enjoy, from the newspaper cuttings on the endpapers to the wittily accurate information about each mongoose species Sunny visits on his journey. With seven giant glossy postcards attached to the pages, this beautiful book is rich with comic detail and will keep any meerkat fan entertained for hours.

You can listen to a reading of the story here:

Reading Response Activity

The children were invited to choose a location from which to send a postcard – real or imaginary. Today they drew the location (setting) on the front of their postcard. Tomorrow they will write their postcards, including a message and an address on the reverse. The children have authorial licence to decide who will send and receive their postcards, as well as what messages they will contain.


Today Mrs Papillo led the class in making an analogue clock together. After observing and discussing a set of mini clocks in pairs, our students helped Mrs Papillo make a list of a clock’s features. Students were then encouraged to make their own clocks bearing in mind the criteria for success: spacing numbers accurately, having a long hand and a short hand, incorporating minute marks and so on. At the end of the session, the teachers photographed all the clocks for a reflection lesson tomorrow. 

Play Investigations


Today the children returned their readers and books. There is now no more borrowing  until next academic year, as our library staff are doing a stock take. If your child did not return their library books today, please ensure they bring them in as soon as possible. Your cooperation is appreciated.

We shared the text Pig the Elf by Aaron Blabey and then the children chose books to read share together or read to their teacher.  Lowell read the story to the class with the help of Yasha.


R1JH spent their religion lesson preparing for their class prayer on Thursday afternoon, whilst R1MP spent some time looking at a liturgical calendar.  R1MP found the months on the calendar and then Advent, Christmas, Easter and so on.  The class began talking about the season of Advent.

We leave you with a picture of Scarlett’s creativity when she made her own play dough. Her mum told Mrs Handforth: Yesterday Scarlett made play dough and wasn’t finished with what she had made. She had created pink playdough then decided to make an ice cream cone out of it. Scarlett also painted her ice cream cone with her chosen colours.

Looks amazing, Scarlett – well done and thanks for sharing.

Andrew sent through his learning for Monday.  Well done Andrew. 

Hope you have had a happy day everyone!

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One thought on “Monday (T4 | W7)

  1. Ayan loves trains.His toy room is full of trains.He was wishing to get a Thomas super station for his birthday which he is going to get soon as we ordered it earlier due to the 14 day quarantine to keep him busy but it ended quicker fortunately.He is so excited..

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