Fantastic Friday in The Village

At Holy Family Catholic School, we believe the learning environment plays a big part in children’s learning, taking on the role of the ‘third teacher’ (6th in this case!). Today, the children made use of the provocations set by teachers, based on their own interests, to engage in a day of investigating, exploring, creating and reflecting. We have seen so much growth in all the children over the past two weeks, as they become familiar and comfortable with the learning environment that is The Village.

This morning we were treated to an amazing assembly by 3IB & 3JM, focussing on character strengths and positivity in the school. We stayed in the hall after assembly to participate in GoNoodle, dancing up a storm.

After recess, the children participated in investigations. Throughout this time, children built on the knowledge gained through the week, engaging with a range of provocations.

Social Play
The children continued to enjoy using used the supermarket in the home corner to buy groceries to share , creating meals to share with others and using the money to pay for their food. Sonny, Ravleen and Sara played a game about ‘good and bad’ and the good side getting trapped in the bad side.

Charlize also created a school, taking on the role of teacher. When she started a game of ‘doggy doggy’, we saw a snowball of children join in, before they needed to line up and get their hats and Miss Him sent the children to lunch.


Dimi and Sierra spent time drawing the empty fish tank in room 11/12, waiting in anticipation for the arrival of the class Murray Cod on Monday. The girls thought about all the things that would be needed to sustain their new class member.

Book making continued to be popular, as children drew pictures to tell a story. Children also continued to explore ‘Ss’ and used words found in the classroom to extend their knowledge. Mr Stramare found some shaving cream that the children were able to use to draw ‘Ss’ using their fingers or pop sticks. A story table for ‘Warnayarra – The Rainbow Snake’ was also set up for children to retell the story.


Children were exploring symmetry, using paint to make butterflies with the paint. They also looked at the different coins and notes, speaking about their value when shopping in the class supermarket. Numbers from 1-20 were also available for children to order and copy, working on their number formation.

Design & Technology
Box construction has been popular all week in room 12. Today the children continued to use this language, with Annabella creating her own lucky dip box. Children have also been creating habitats for animals in their world, something we will continue to explore next week. Block construction, Lego and play dough were also popular amongst the children today.


Outside Play
Outside, the children were busy playing soccer, building with the tyres and blocks, using their fishing rods to catch fish and create pulley-systems.


This afternoon we reflected on how we have used our creativity this week. The children drew pictures in their learning journal. Here is a selection of quotes from the children:
Playing and cleaning up – Annabelle
Playing an activity and then clean up and if you want to play with your other friends, you can choose a new activity – Nhial
I built a tower – Khyle
I was drawing letters and playing with shaving cream – Adum
I was playing with my friends and going to the fish farm – Nahom

2 thoughts on “Fantastic Friday in The Village

  1. Hi Rachael,
    Thank you for your questions. Times tables aren’t in the curriculum for R/1’s, but we start looking at number patterns and arrays to prepare the children for the time they need to learn this. Skip counting is one of the first steps in this and will be introduced later in the year through songs and investigations. As for Jolly Phonics, we use the principles of the program to help to learn the sounds, but we don’t follow a specific literacy program. Again, we explore these concepts through investigations. In terms of sight words, we tend to link the words to the different sounds we are learning, so the children are gaining knowledge of the words and sounds in context. We also work with the children to find common words in their readers as they read with us, which can also be done at home.
    If you need any more clarification, you can catch Elyse or myself in class.

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