Toys at School

We have recently noticed a lot of toys from home entering the classrooms, Beyblades in particular. As a whole, Holy Family has a ‘no toys at school’ policy. This is to ensure that toys are not lost or broken, and also means that the children engage much better with classroom investigations.

We ask that you support us in this, by discouraging your children from bringing toys to school. We have spoken to all children about this during school today.

Toys that are found in the classroom will be put on the teacher’s desk until the end of the day for safe keeping.

The children in R/1EQ & R/1MS thought about why we don’t bring toys to school:

We don’t have toys at school because you might lose them in places and then we can’t find them and your parents might get angry – Kobe B
You might lose them and then you can never find them and then your parents will get angry and you will never get to go to school – Elnathan
Because you are not allowed to bring toys because you might lose them and it costs lots of money and then your dad and your mum will be so angry – Oliver
You’re not allowed to bring toys at school or you will lose them and your parents will get mad because it is a lot of money – Charlize
We don’t bring toys because we might lose them and will might need to babysit again or else we will never find it – Declan
If you bring your toys, you might lose them – Bodhi
When you bring toys to school, it’s not good. That’s because sometimes you might lose it, someone might take it, or it might fall in the bushes, or if it falls out of your pocket. If the teacher finds it, they will put it in the office, but if the kid finds it, they will take it home – Zac
They might lose and it and then people can take it and they might take it home and they might lose it and you can’t take it back because the other people broke it – Nhial
Your parents get mad because if you bring your toys to school, you will lose them – Nyok

4 thoughts on “Toys at School

  1. I tell poppie this daily. But she never listens and brings them anyway, not withstanding when attending osch alone in the morning upset I sometimes think it’s best to take a toy to keep her company before school starts, and it saves me the argument at 7am 😣 but once she enters the classroom please feel free to take them off her and return them to me at the end of the week 😊 totally agree to this rule and often tell poppie is also may make other children feel sad if they don’t have similar things etc will try a different osch tactic 🥰

    • Thanks so much for your support in this Rachael. We totally understand that they are needed sometimes to comfort children, so if they are needed, we will grab them once in class. We’ll keep in touch if we think of anything that might help with OSHC too!

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