Play – It’s not just play they are learning skills for life!

As always we started our day off with ‘Come Read with me’. It was great to see all the students engaging in their reading. We love come read with me as it is a great time for the students to build confidence in their reading, develop skills and enjoy a good book.

The Village participated in Numeracy play today, during Numeracy play we want the students to apply maths concepts in their play. As educators we set up provocations to help the student become curious about numeracy concepts, they are then asked to use their creativity to delve deeper. We check in with the students asking them questions, extending and challenging them, helping them make sense of what they already know and what they want to know more about. We work together and get to see student agency as the students learn from each other. The students get choice in what they explore and we work with them to challenge them and get them to think deeper. During play we are building on the students persistence to keep on trying and not give up, having growth mindsets. We want the students to wonder and question, reflect and be creative.

An example of this today was Jacob, Kahlil and Jed started off playing a simple number game, where they rolled the dice and moved the spaces. They then became curious in numbers and games. They used their creativity and imagination to then come up with their own game. They sourced all the things they needed for the game and then set the game up. They planned the rules and how to play the game. Together they worked together sharing their ideas, after a while more children engaged and joined in on their game. They were super proud of their game they then shared it with the class. Without even realising it the students were developing their numeracy skills whilst playing and having so much fun.

You have a dice and you have a car and then you drive the cars on the road, like you roll 3 and move three. And then it’s the next person, Jacob

R1 EN and MC visited the library

The students then participated in free play as they visited the library and R1 MS and EQ had Spanish. The students got to choose what they wanted to play and explore. Lots of the children choose to explore with Lego, others went on the laptops, some of the students explored habitats from yesterday, participated in writers workshop, drawing, teachers, making, and exploring outside, using many different languages.

The students in R1 EQ and MS participated  in writers workshop exploring our ‘Learning Power of Belonging’. The students wrote books and stories they had some great ideas.

The Village also explored and were introduce to a new sound today which they will explore further tomorrow.

Our new sound is “Hh” the students love learning new sounds and connecting the sound to words they already know, learning new words and find the sound in their readers and books. They then get to explore the sound through play and hands on learning experiences. We also revised sounds we had already explored this term. We then went outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather and had a go at making Hopscotches and playing and exploring the H sound with Chalk

Have a look in your readers and books tonight, can you find words with the H sound?

We love learning through songs and music, below are some helpful songs to help us learn our new Hh sound.

We also had chant practise today, we are all getting very excited for Sports Day this Friday. We are still looking for any parents helpers- please let your class teacher know.


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