Week 9 Doing Fine

Our Tuesday morning began with ‘Come Read with Me.’ The more opportunities children have to engage in reading, the more progress can be achieved. Here are some helpful tips, when reading with your child:

Guided reading strategies:

  • Understanding left to right directionality
  • Matching one-on-one speech to text
  • Pointing under the words
  • Making predictions using a pattern
  • Locating known words on a page and using them as starters
  • Seeking initial letters in a word
  • Using picture cues for support
  • Making connections to background knowledge or other personal links
  • Reading fluency

After sharing in a rainbow facts song, which focuses on number bonds to 10, students engaged in numeracy investigations. Many of the provocations allowed for deeper exploration into number facts, bonds, subitizing, number formation, counting on and addition. Below shares a good representation of this and makes up the bulk of the photos for this blog post today.

During library today, the village read the story ‘Let me sleep sheep’ by Meg McKinlay. Students were able to make predictions about the story and get lost in the imaginative possibilities within!

Image result for 'Let me sleep sheep' by Meg McKinlay

The village also discussed the letter Ee today. Students were able to talk sing along with a song, perform actions, review the formation of the letter and generate an ‘Ee’ word bank. Some students used this to create their own Ee sentences and record other Ee words and pictures. Following this session, students will use their 100 languages to deepen their understanding of the letter Ee, using their creativity and curiosity.

There was also an opportunity for some circle time, where students were able to practice their friendly greetings, as well as role playing situations where they needed to express how they were feeling and what they would like.

Free investigation play time also allowed for further creativity and inquiry.

We finished the day off by singing along in ‘The Butterfly Song’ and sharing gratitude prayers:

Jacob – Thank you God for the beautiful teachers.

Jed – Thank you God for the toys and laptops.

Sara – Thank you God for butterflies.

Dimi – Thank you God for holy family and netball.

Yasha – Thank you God for everyone.

Kiet – Thank you God for for putting gems in buckets.

Viraj – Thank you for the lovely teachers.

Sierra – Thank you God for my lovely classroom and my friends.

Jordan – Thank you God for basketball.

Annabella – Thank you God for my lovely friends.

Leo – Thank you God for the beautiful teachers.

Nicholas – Thank you God for all the stuff we need to make things with.


Everyone Belongs

On Tuesday, the village began the day with come read with me. It was wonderful to see so many students and parents engaged in reading, predicting, reviewing and sharing their texts.

Numeracy investigations allowed students to explore the realm of number. In particular, writing numbers, counting on, grouping, subitizing and addition were focused on. Additionally, many students were encouraged to investigate the provocation, ‘How many ways can you make 10?’ Below is a snapshot of the students dynamically inquiry into these areas, followed by student reflections.

Mikayla: I did numbers. I traced them.

Declan: I was drawing the numbers.

Nyok: I was tracing numbers.

Nhial: I was counting to 10 with the number jar and I was tracing numbers, then I was writing with the lead pencil and the Texta on the board.

Nahom: I was doing 30 numbers on the brown paper.

Adum: I was doing number tracing and also doing numbers.

Alexia: I was making the number 10.

Elnathan: I was helping Kalil make 10s.

Irin: We were counting legs. I had 20 legs.

During library today and aligning with Harmony Day, we read the book, ‘I’m Australian Too,’ by Mem Fox. Having listened to the story before, many students were able to read and respond to sections of the book, as well as come up with their own actions.

Image result for im australian too

Students also had an opportunity to nurture their 100 hundred languages and learning powers during play investigations. Some highlights and responses can be viewed below:


Nicholas: I played jurassic park.

Viraj: I made a car.

Emily: I’ve been making. I made pictures.

Annabella: I’m doing writing. I’m doing the book ‘The Lucky Dip.’

Alannah: I’ve been writing ‘Gorillas.’

Zahra: I’ve been learning stuff on the laptop. I’ve learnt how to make cookies.

Sierra: We have bee doing the from cover for our dance. We were using the laptop for a book.

Kiet: Playing with the lego.

Jed: I made a baeblade with the lego.

Ravleen: I was drawing a picture on a plate.

Ariana: I’ve been drawing with Isabella and Poppie

Scarlett: I played mums and dads with Sasha.

Dimi: I did a game that I made up.

Yasha: I made a telescope and I made a book.

Sara: I made this bad to put a photo in here.

Hendrix: I was playing with the lego. I made a rocket.

Isabella: We are playing birthdays because today is Ariana’s birthday.

Angie: I played games.

Viraj: I did ABC

Cooper: I did my ABC’s with Jacob on cardboard.

A number of students also accepted the Harmony Day challenge, to take a photo, which displays harmony and diversity within our school. Here are a few of the photographers pieces:

Towards the end of the day, R/1MC discussed the importance of enjoying the games that we play and considered how to be a true winner, while thinking about what you could do and say when you win and loose. Students were able to practice their friendly greetings and friendly winning/loosing statements, as they interacted with a guessing game – ‘What’s the item?’

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday marks the day before Lent begins, a time when we prepare for Easter. A brief discussion about Easter and the importance of Shrove Tuesday ensued within the Village. We spoke about various ways in which we can make the 40 days of Lent meaningful, such as:

Giving up something – your favourite food or pastime to remind you what Jesus gave up for us

Slow down – set aside some time each day to read the Bible and pray

Read – inspirational books with someone

Donate – picking a worthy cause, like St Vinnies, to donate items

Volunteer – time to the community or those less fortunate

Be Kind – share acts of kindness each day

As a learning community, we discussed how we will be focusing on the Character Strength of Kindness. Here are some ways students articulated that they could be kind:

Max – Give food

Adum – Help people do stuff

Oliver – Be good every day

Nahom – Give toys to people so they can play

Arjan – Use our manners, share

Annabelle – Show teamwork

Declan – Share toys and share pancakes

Zac – People can use their manners, be kind

Elnathan – Help others feel better, share toys you don’t need

Kobe – Help people by giving hem stuff they don’t have in their life

Charlee – Help people when they are sad and be kind, show respect to other people

Alannah – Give food to other people

Annabella – You can give people water bed cousion. You can help go to where they want to go

Zahra – You can help to learn

Kahlil – Give some clothes to people

Kiet – Read with people

Jordon – If someone is hurt you can help them up

Jed – If someone is hurt you can help them

Yahsa – Help people

Jacob – You can be kind by showing them a happy

Ishpreet – Take someone to the office if they are hurt

Sara – Giving them a high five

Ravleen – If they are sick you can go with them to the doctors

Poppie – If people are sad you can help them

In an effort to highlight the use of rich ingredients (such as eggs), traditionally not eaten during Lent, the Village shared pancakes together.

Numeracy Investigations

A number of students began investigations by going on a learning walk to find where numbers are used around the school. They were able to discuss and record their findings. The provocation ‘How can you make 10’ was also shared with the students. This open ended inquiry question allowed many students to excel with their number, counting on, subtilising and grouping skills.

During Library, we read the book ‘Cocoon’, by Aura Parker. Amongst the wonderful illustrations and catchy narrative, opportunities arose to discuss the transformation that the moth experienced throughout his life.

Entwined with play, the Village also looked at the letter ‘Ii’. They were able to record and discuss the sound and action, while listening to a song.

Just a reminder, Ash Wednesday Mass is a 11:30am.

Have a sensational day 🙂

Belated update!

On Tuesday, a missing iPad prevented the usual blog update. Mr Coad’s heart is now beating at a regular rhythm, as the said laptop has been retrieved with all photos accounted for!

Following ‘come read with me’ in the morning, students engaged with literacy provocations through play. Some of those moments were captured and can be seen in the photos below:

You may have noticed a Pp theme throughout many of the provocations. Students were able to express their learning through their 100 languages.

Accompanied by our ELC students during library, the Village read an amazing dual language children’s book, ‘Ngana Ngai? Who Am I?’, which introduces native animals and the Kaurna language. Both teachers and students were able to have a go at expressing many of the indigenous words.

Ngana Ngai? Who Am I? (Kaurna edition)

Students continued on with their learning through play provocations following library and were also able to record their reflections regarding the letter P.

During this time, some budding photographers, Adum and Kahlil captured some special moments, while practicing their camera skills.

The students were able to role play a story about the sun and the wind. The moral of the story being that a smiling warm, kind and giving attitude often results in positive outcomes. Here are some student comments about the role play:

Jacob – the sun and the wind were fighting.

Yasha- they were arguing

Viraj – the wind blew the boys jacket.

Sara – Held onto his jacket

Kiet – the sun came out from behind the cloud

Ishpreet – the sun was smiling bright and it came from behind the cloud.

Sonnie – the sun was too hot and the jacket was for winter

The sun was happy

Yasha- sun was warm

Jacob – it got happier and brighter

Kahlil – the wind went away

To finish off the Tuesday, the Village participated in prayer. Here are some of the student’s shared prayers:

Alannah – Thank you for the kids

Annabella – Thank you for the wonderful teachers

Yasha – Thank you God for making us

Sierra – Thank you God for my pretty pictures

Ariana – Thank you God for our teachers

Kiet – Thank you God for sharing

Chase – Thank you God

viraj – Thank you God for our food

Jed – Thank you God for the whole school

Sahib – Thank you God for the beautiful teachers

Ishpreet – Thank you God for valentines day

Sonnie – Thank you God for my brothers

Kahlil – Thank you for everyone

Dimi – Thank you God for all my friends

Poppie – Thank you God for my mum and dad

Nicholas – Thank you God for all the stuff we need

Ravleen – Thank you God for our friends

Happy Belated Tuesday!

Tuesday 19th Feb

‘Come Read with Me’ kickstarted our day! All parents are welcome of course 🙂

Numeracy Investigations then took centre stage, with a number of provocations centred around number, addition, sorting, subitising, counting on, as well as free creative number play, with the use of board games, cards, blocks, counters and numerous other practice elements. Check out some of the pictures:



During library today, we read a book called ‘Up and Down’ by Oliver Jeffers. Our friends from the ELC joined us as we discussed features of the story, such as friendship, reaching for your goals and also appreciating what you have. The children made some fantastic clarifications and predictions along the way!

Upon returning to the class, we introduced the letter ‘Tt’, sang our song and discussed the shape and sound of the letter. Students recorded their findings in their book.

Following relaxation, during some circle time, students from R/1 talked about feelings and emotions, then did some shared role playing and talked about facial expressions and body language. We also practiced our friendly greetings.

In the afternoon we had a visitor in the classroom of the feathered variety, which some students may be excited to tell you about… However, they didn’t stay long and flew through the door relatively quickly.

Students also enjoyed some outdoor fitness games, as well as free classroom play.

Have a wonderful evening 🙂

Tremendous Tuesday


It was fantastic to see so many parents during ‘come read with me‘ this morning. So, thank you to those of you who are able to join us. It really does start The Village’s day off on the right foot!

Our literacy investigations were jam-packed full of learning, with a major feature being the letter A, including; Australian animals, acting – role play dress ups, bingo site words, memory match, I spy with my little eye, ants go marching, letter formation, matching/grouping, Aa posters and booklets.


Following recess, R/1MC had the opportunity to meet some special friends from the ELC, who shared a story with us during our library time. The book was called ‘The Amazing Monster Detectoscope.’ We discussed the deeper meaning underlying the story – standing up for yourself, be creative, being brave and ‘not judging a book by it’s cover.’

Image result for the amazing monster detectoscope

Students were given an opportunity for some reflective writing about their literacy investigations. Many students were able to illustrate and write words beginning with the letter A. Some students attempted their own sentences.

Students also enjoyed the learning freedom, which comes with play. The village decided to take Mr Koala’s creativity out to log park, in order to see what they could create, while having some serious fun along the way!

We finished today with a shared gratitude prayer and song. Some students shared their own thank you prayers:

Zahra – ‘Thank you god for doing nice things.’

Alannah – ‘Thank you god for my lovely teachers.’

Sahib – ‘Thank you god for being the best person.’

Viraj – ‘Thank you god for my toys.’

Sara – Thank you god for making me.’

Ariana – Thank you for our teachers.’

Annabella – ‘thank you for the whole entire school.’

Poppie – ‘Thank you god for my house because if I don’t have a house I would stay outside.’

Leo – ‘Thank you god for our puppets.’

We also shared some ‘specks of gold‘ from their day:

Kahlil – ‘Playing police at log park with Jordan

Kiet – ‘Playing outside

Emily – ‘Learning about the a sound.’

Yasha – ‘Playing with my friends.’

Dimi – ‘Was that my teachers care about me.’

James – ‘Playing with Jordan at log park.’

Leo – ‘Playing with our buddies.’

Sara – ‘Playing jewellery.’

Sierra – ‘Reading with my buddy.’

In all, it was an absolutely, amazingly awesome day in the Village.

Have a sensational evening 🙂

Terrific Tuesday!

Come Read With Me

We began today with ‘Come Read With Me,’ which is an opportune time for parents to join us and read with their child. We also hope to involve our Year 5/6 Buddies, during this time, in the future. Come read with me is EVERY Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 8:50-9:10am 🙂

Numeracy investigations

Students then delved into their mathematical minds during numeracy investigations. Across the abundant open-ended provocations were investigations relating to number, patterns, sorting into groups, counting on/back, addition, subtraction, subitizing and number bonds. At the end of the investigation session, students also recorded their learning in their books.

Following library, we began discussing our ‘identity display’ in the classroom. Students illustrated pictures of themselves and will add a photo of their head to their pictures. It’s currently a running progress, so stay tuned for the results! However, he is a little taste test of step one:

Play is the Way

Today there were opportunities to participate in some creative play investigations!

Students also had circle time discussion regarding Bucket filling, Greetings and Introductions, while finishing off with some specks of gold!

Sara – Spending time with my family

Leo – Playing with my buddies

Hendrix – drawing with my friends

Avleen – Drawing myself and my friend

James – Playing with Jordan and my sisters

Viraj – Playing with Sahib

Kiet – Playing with my sister

Jordan – Playing soccer outside with James

Enjoy your evening and this fine weather Village community 🙂