Monday (Term 1 | Week 6)



Mrs Stam asked us to solve a simple word problem involving addition of two numbers (TU + TU). She was interested in the strategies we used to solve the problem. We shared our strategies and discovered lots of had different ways of achieving the same solution. We visited some of the strategies and explored the use of physical apparatus to accompany our strategies:

Today we embarked on a new spotlight study in which we are focusing on Reading As Writers. In our mini lesson, we explored some of the ways authors change the text/font to reflect content and/or emotion. When we were writing independently we tried to incorporate an example of this in our writing. At the end oft Writer’s Workshop, three brave students shared their learning:

Ethan:In his narrative about the forest fire and the dinosaurs, Ethan  had used BIG AND BOLD text. He told us that he wanted the reader to say these words loudly because they showed the fire had started and this was very important and dangerous.

Ravleen had adapted the word coin in her robot story, making the o and the dot on the i into the robot coins she was writing about:

Manasvi: Manasvi is writing a narrative about a group of pencils. Today she used capitalisation when the green crayon was trying to persuade his friends to have resilience … “WE CAN NOT GIVE UP!” said the green crayon.

We read more about the terrible twosome known as THE TWITS.  Mrs Twit played a horrid prank on Mr Twit, serving him worms instead of spaghetti!

Mr Twit then plotted his revenge! He persuaded Mrs Twit she was shrinking by meddling with her walking stick.


The afternoon saw us enjoying Sport and Spanish. At the end of the day we shared some of our specks of gold.

Have a lovely evening.

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