Monday (Term 2 | Week 2)


Here’s our May calendar and learning for Monday.


We began by sharing the wonderful Maurice Sendak text, Where the Wild Things Are.

The story focuses on a young boy named Max who, after dressing in his wolf costume, wreaks such havoc through his household that he is sent to bed without his supper. Max’s bedroom undergoes a mysterious transformation into a jungle environment, and he winds up sailing to an island inhabited by frightening beasts, the Wild Things. After successfully intimidating the creatures, Max is hailed as the king of the Wild Things and enjoys a playful romp with his subjects. However, he starts to feel lonely and decides to return home, to the Wild Things’ dismay. Upon returning to his bedroom, Max discovers a hot supper waiting for him.

Mrs Handforth then challenged us to create our own ‘wild thing’ using SwitchZoo technology. Once we created a visual image, we then imported this into a word document in order to write an encyclopaedia entry for our creation, featuring information about its appearance, diet and habitat.

Meanwhile some of us worked with our teachers to read a magazine featuring information about emus, a recipe for pizza, a zoo excursion and famous Australians. We then answered NAPLAN style questions about these texts, practising key skills such as skimming and scanning the text and working out answers that are not immediately obvious.


We are learning about Growth Mindset in class. Today we discussed what we think a growth mindset is. Some ideas included: ‘Always keep trying’, ‘Not giving up’ and ‘Try and try and try.’

We watched the first in a series of short episodes, which go into a bit more detail about the human brain and the concept of a growth mindset.

We discussed the following questions:

Today we explored a narrative prompt as part of our practice writing ahead of next week’s NAPLAN test. Today, we responded to the following prompt. Mrs Handforth and Mrs Stam were very proud of everyone who had a go, using bravery, imagination and creativity to tell their story. After writing four students volunteered to read their creative writing aloud to the class: well done, Gurshaan, Sonny, Eva and Kobe B.

Mrs Stam led us in a lesson focusing on subtraction. We realised there were lots of different terms for the word subtract. We brainstormed the ones we knew: minus, take away, less, difference between,  minus, decrease, fewer than and leave.

We then had a go at rolling a two digit number and taking away a single digit number. For those of us who were already confident with this, we practised three digit take two digit numbers.

At the of the day, after Sport andSpanish, Kobe H shared a photograph of himself with his aunt’s young puppy, who is a very cute nine weeks young.

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