Week 10 – Wednesday

Welcome to Wednesday

Good Morning from Mrs Rodgers


What is the new month?

Talk about the different months of the year – when are the birthdays in your family?

Come Read with me

Literacy Rotations

Letter Q q

What words did we learn from the you tube clip?

Words we discovered:

Jerry – Queen

Elnathan – quit

Kalil -quick

Bibi – Miss Quigley


Emily – quilt

Felipe – quiet

Handwriting – Q q

Mini Books –

I am a………..

I have some……….

Look at the……….

(For example –

I am a frog.

I have some bugs.

Look at the log.

Look at me hop.

Then children move onto the next page. Don’t forget capital letters and full stops.

This task is to focus upon high frequency words the children can write  independently – to build upon and consolidate their knowledge and understanding.

(Challenge: Can you add some descriptive words about size and colour to your sentence.)

We also watched this clip and talked about how the letter ‘q’ always has his friend ‘u’ with him.



What plants can you see inside or outside your house/classroom?

What is above the ground?

Elnathan – leaves

Emily – petals





But do you know what is happening below the ground?

Elnathan – the roots

We talked about the roots from a tree would need to be big to hold it up.

Talk about questions and then watch the clip.

Draw a plant – include and label  – stem, leaves, roots, bud, flower, petal, flower, seed

What does a plant need to grow?


Elnathan – The plants gets water by the sky when it rain. Or when people water it.




Owen – They need space because they will be tight. They grass makes it full.

Elnathan- And it will die


Kalil – Because they grow.

Emily – So it can not not fall down.

Felipe – So they can stay stable to the ground.

The soil gives the plants it’s food.

Talk about question first and then watch clip.

What Plants Need video

Plant bean seed to take home and watch grow

You might have some seeds at home to plant in a pot or your garden.

At school we will use a plastic cup, bean seed and paper towel.

We will plant the seed in a clear cup so the children can see the different parts as it germinates. When it grow big enough it can be plants in your garden.

Lunch – Time to play and eat


Shared Text and Art

10 Scared Fish – This story links the curriculum areas of numeracy, Aboriginal Culture  Studies, literacy and Art

Ten Scared Fish - Ros Moriarty, illustrated by Balarinji ...

The story starts with

‘One turtle by the waterhole’, you can follow the river to the sea, counting animals along the way – until ten little fish meet a big scary shark.

Ten Scared Fish celebrates animals, numbers and the joy of art from Balarinji design studio.


Art inspired from the book.

Home Learning: Look at the images closely, notice the use of colour, lines and dots to create the art work.

At school we will create a background using oil pastels and water wash. Then the children will create another animal using cotton tips to make dots and lines with paint.

Create your own background and animal using art materials you have at home.

I was very proud of the children’s persistence, creativity and collaboration during this task.

We finished off the day with some fitness.

Prayer – Maundy Thursday

Read story – discuss questions

Additional tasks:

Draw a special picture for a friend or neighbour as an act of kindness

Do you have chalk at home – draw a hop scotch game outside to play.

Maybe add your high frequency words to the squares:  for example – Next to the number 1 write the word ‘the’








Make up a dance to perform to your family.

icon0.com Free images for personal , commercial and noncommercial use. Attribution is not required. and Royalty-Free Images , Photos, Picture, Illustration ,Vectors - Hop Scotch

Week 10 – Tuesday

Welcome to Learning on Tuesday at School or at Home.

Good Morning from Mrs Rodgers


What is today called?

What day is it tomorrow?

What was yesterday?


Come Read with me

Home Learning: Please find a book to read with your learning Buddy,  a sibling or by yourself for 15mins.

After reading tell someone what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story.

Did you like the story? Why did you like it ?

Don’t forget you can go to Oxford Owl home reading and find some new ebooks to read.

The books are free to read but you will need to sign up.

Oxford Owl – ebooks

Shared Reading and Book Making


Our letter today is the letter ‘Zz’ and as the children often build a zoo in the log area I thought we would read the book ‘Dear Zoo’ as our shared text.

The children then moved into book making.

3 pages are given to the children to start. (A5 size)

1st Page – Title Page

The Zoo

2nd Page – Setting the scene. Tell me when and where.

It was a hot day at the Zoo.

3rd page – The character. What animal did you see?

I saw a big, yellow  lion.

4th page – What was the animal doing?

5th page – How is the story going to end?

Don’t forget to start your sentence with a capital and end it with a full stop.

Then illustrate your book.

Come Read with Me and Book Making Photos

Recess – A time to eat and play

Or maybe move and freeze


Addition – Facts to 10

Revisit Rainbow Facts – Draw a big rainbow together – write the numbers below each colour.

I call out a number and children respond.

I say – 3 and

Children respond – 7

I say – makes

Children respond – 10

Randomly pick numbers between 1-10.

Aim – Is for the children to be able to quick make the connection with the numbers and facts to 10.

Home Learning – Do you have playing cards or a dice at home. Or a cup and 10 coins

Children rotate through 3 tasks

Create number facts using playing cards

Roll a dice and create number facts to 10.

Cup and object game. Hide some of the 10 objects under the cup – How many are left?



Please go to the Spanish Blog for learning Tasks

Spanish Blog

Dining Hall Experience with 5/6 MS

It was a lovely day to enjoy lunch outside.

Home Learning – Set the table for lunch or dinner.

Shared Text

Word Building

Letter – Z z – Handwriting formation and word building.










Zigzag Word Fun Adult Guidance

Home Play: Build a Zoo and then make a map about your zoo. Don’t forget to add signs to your zoo.

Play Investigations -Planning our play

I am planning to play:


I think I will use:


My design drawing:



Have a good day – Keep Safe

Bonus Activities:

Cooking – Help prepare a meal or plan to cook something with your family.

Design a menu for your dinner tonight.

Art work  – explore something new to draw

Palm Sunday Story – Make Palm leaves from tracing hand prints on green paper or colour them green.


Week 10 – Monday

Welcome to Monday

I will start posting the blog at the beginning of the day so our friends can continue their learning at home (along with us at school). Please email me with any questions you have about your child’s learning.

(Then I will update with photos during the day)

This is also a new thing for me, so I thank you for your patience as I send things through.

Please remember the timetable is flexible and often changes through out the day. The timetable doesn’t reflection discussions, questions or conversation that occur about learning about each task. Often tasks will be completed quicker at home than at school for this reason.


(Please note – Rocket Writing and Letter ‘Yy’ tasks have swapped)

What information can soured from the calendar? – What day is it today? How many days are left in March? What is the next month called?

Come Read with Me – Reading quietly or to your learning buddy or a friend for 15 mins.

Can you find the words below in your text?







What happened in the story?

Who are the characters in the book?

Where was the story set?

At home you might like to draw a picture about your story.

Shared Text

Look at formation of the letter ‘y’

Finger spelling words


Reading Shared Text

Children eat Brain Food – while engaging in text.

As a group list word beginning with ‘Yy’ or have the letter ‘y’ in it.

Yy words










Handwriting – focus upon formation

Write upper case Y and lower y  (children can use blue – making connections book)

Come Read with me and Handwriting Photos

Recess – Time for a break and a play

Rocket Writing


Choose one of the picture or a toy from home to write a story about.

Rocket writing time is a time to just write. The children focus upon the sounds/letters they know, familiar words and their individual knowledge of text structure. Children are encourage to write and not worry about correct spelling. Rocket writing is a time to build stamina for writing.  If your child is unsure about a word, encourage them to write the sounds they hear and then leave a line _____ (the child knows there are more letters but are unsure what they are).

After 15 – 20mins of writing draw a picture about your story.

At school we wrote a story together first

Max the Dog

The  dog was at his h_____.

He was e_ting  a  bon_.

(We put a line when we were not sure of the letters).

When the children have finished writing we talk about the words they were unsure about.


Time to put on some music at home and have a dance.


Rainbow Maths

Draw a rainbow and the numbers below as shown in the above video.

Write down the facts for example (activity sheet is attached)

Record addition sums – use counters to check your answers.

0+10 = 10

10 +0=10











Lunch – A time to eat and play

Sharing the Easter story

Reflections before the story

What happened at Easter?

Elnathan – Jesus has Palm Sunday and lots of people had palms and waved them at him. And put clothes on the floor.

Does anyone know any symbols for Easter?

Elnathan – Cross, heart dove.

Jed – Hot cross buns

Why is the cross a symbol at Easter?

Elnathan – Because Jesus had a Passover feast and then died on the cross.

He wanted to forgive our sins.

The Easter Story

  • Read the story – The Easter Story (provided in email)
  • Write and draw (copy the sentences for the children to copy on paper to put in their writer’s workshop) read the words together so they understand
  • Title- Easter Story
  • Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.
  • The donkey walked over the palm leaves.
  • Jesus died on the cross.
  • God sent an angel to talk to Mary.
  • Focus – on the correct spelling of the words Jesus, God, angel, Easter, cross, palm, donkey, Jerusalem

Book examples:

One page for each sentence – the children then draw a picture. This book will be 5 pages.

The children then moved into Play Investigations after they finished their story.

We will use the story in the powerpoint below during this week  – when we revisit the Easter Story

Holy-Week-Powerpoint_ver_3 2

We finished off our day with some dancing to Baker Boy song ‘In Control’.

Have great night and keep safe.

Week 9 – Friday

Welcome to Friday

Hello All, you would have received an email early this week to say our next Dining Hall experience is next week – 31st of March – Please bring a plate and fork and a spoon next TUESDAY – Thank you (Sorry if there was some confusion but our date changed – but the email reminder is the correct information)

Home Learning – What information can you read from the calendar?

Shared Text:

This is a  time to read together and consolidate our  learning about sounds/letters and word building.

Home Learning – Read the text together – blending letters to build words. Use the strategy of finger spelling – where one finger – for each sound (or dot under the letter)

Then it was time to move our bodies and dance:

Dancing Time

Religious Education

Class prayer and then discussion about –

Who is Jesus? What do you know about Jesus? What stories do you know?

Elnathan – Jesus is the son of God. Jesus is loving to each other.

Bibi – Jesus is in the Bible. Jesus has long hair.

Keth – Jesus is in the sky and we talk to him. God is in the sy too.

Emily – Jesus loves everybody

Felipe – Jesus is a good helper

Senay – Jesus is kind

Adum – Jesus helps everyone

Bior – Jesus is kind

Jerry – Jesus is kind

Elnathan – story – The Passover Feast and Jesus feeds the five thousands

We shared the story Jesus loves Children – Matthew 19:13-16

What do you think Jesus told the children?

Elnathan – Jesus told the children to love each other and be kind to each other.


Because he is a loving person

Why is it important to be loving

Kaili – Because God is nice to us.

Keth – Jesus loves us.

The children drew a picture about Jesus.

Home Learning: Follow the same discussion above and children to draw their own picture of Jesus.


Cloud Dough

Making – Playing – Reflecting


Adum: It is the recipe – you need to follow the recipe to make it right.

It tells you what steps to do things

Fairy Dough Recipe

Predicting: These are your ideas before we do the experiment.

What is going to happen?

Keth – It is going to turn into a cake.

Adum – When we put it in all the ingredients, it is going to form into fairy dough.

Bibi – When you mix it it is going to mix together.

Kalil – It is going to feel soft.

Felipe – When we mix it will turn into fairy bread.

Kalil – It might be sticky

Emily – IT is cloudy.

Elnathan – It might be slimy – then we will mix it more, out more flour in it.

Elnathan: This feels nice. I am making a cake.

Adum – I am going to mould mine into  a shape. Mine is smooth now. The dough is very easy to mould.

Kalil – It feels soft. squish.

Jerry – It smells like marshmallow.

Felipe – It feels entertaining because it is smooth and smells good.

Owen – I am making a fidget spinner.

Bior – It feels soft. I am making a basketball.

Senay – It smells so good.

Keth – I can’t roll it. I am finding all the hearts to make a cake. I am making a pizza

Emily – I am making a cup. It is more falling off.

Bibi – It feels like marshmallows. Can’t I make a cake to

Owen – I am making Adelaide. It feels squishy.

Home Learning: click on the link and have fun making this at home.


Home Learning: Find a cosmic kids video  – enjoy!

Why do we do relaxation? How are you feeling now? What do you like doing?

Keth – We do relaxation so we can rest our bodies. I like watching rainbow breathes.

Adum- We do relaxation so when we have finished lunch we can calm down.

Felipe – WE do relaxation so when you are angry you can feel better if you do it.,

Bibi – It makes you calm down after lunch.

Emily – I feel warm after relaxation. I like to do yoga.

Elnanathan- Relaxations makes you not run around so much. I feel calm.

Bior – We do relaxation so we do run so much. I like to do rainbow breathes.

Senay – We have to rest.

Kalil – It makes you calm.

Jerry – you have to rest your body.

Buddy Time

This afternoon we spent time with our buddies from 3 HS and 5/6MS (We have a large buddy group which also includes the ELC) which means we can engage in various ways during this time, sharing our skills, knowledge and interests.

Have a wonderful weekend – keep safe.




Week 9 – Thursday

Welcome to Thursday’s Learning

We thought we would start our day with some dancing before Come read with me.

Come Read with me – such a wonderful and important way to start the day

Home Learning – You might like to find a book from Oxford reading

Check out the link below

 Oxford Home Learning – ebooks

You do have the register for this website – but it is free and they have lots of great books to read with your child and other  fantastic activities.

Literacy Learning

Shared Text

The children rotated through the 2 tasks

We made an ‘x’ with our fingers and arms and some children crossed their legs over to make ‘x’. Don’t forget to make sure the lines cross over in the middle.

Letter – Xx – letter formation

Make a treasure map – x – marks the spot

What can be on your treasure map:







Xx -words – The children recalled the words and we constructed a list.








Home Learning – Write the letter ‘X x’ and also some of the words you see in the clip below.

Then make a treasure map – don’t forget the ‘X’ marks the spot.


Numeracy Investigations

Number lines

Addition – with a dice

Flip tiles and 10 Frames

Ordering number to 10

Number Formation – white Boards

Home Learning – Write the number to 10, use the rhyme to ensure correct formation. Make your own number line to 10 or even try 20. If you have a dice at home  – roll the dice twice and add the numbers together. Find some objects around the house to use for counters (coins) to check your answer. Our goals is get to really fast when working with numbers between 1-10. 


Number formation Rhyme


Relaxation – We closed our eyes today and listened to some lovely piano music

Play Investigations

Before moving into play we shared the text –  Tiddalick the Frog

Comparing the Text

Today we read the story and compared it with the story we watched yesterday.

Keth – Tiddalick drank all the water – which is the same. And the snake made it laugh.

Elnathan – The eel tangled itself and that is the same.

Felipe – One frog was blue and the other one wasn’t it was green.

Emily – In the other story the frog got big.

Bibi – The one we watched the frog got swirls in his mouth and the eel made him laugh it got little swirls. Yesterday it was just all blue. (The different ways the water is shown coming out of his mouth)

The owl was still there.

At the end of this story it said Tiddalick was only going to drink what he needed.


The children then moved into play investigations. After play we talked about the learning powers we were using and recorded our play before we went home.

Have a lovely night – stay safe.





Week 9 – Home Learning

Good Evening All,
OUR LEARNING SA is a website that has been developed by curriculum management and expert teachers.It provides students and families with curriculum resources along with advice to support learning online at home.
The resource has great ideas for Reading at home and includes valuable year level specific activities.
Link to access the website is:
I will continue to share online learning sites and also include additional ideas on our daily blog.
Thank you all during this time,
Stay Safe

Week 9 – Wednesday

Welcome to Wednesday

If your child is at  home I will add additional information to the blog post as ideas for learning.

I would like to encourage the children who are learning at home to find a soft toy to be their learning buddy. As I will include some task for them to do, teach, show their learning buddy.

Home Learning: What information can you read from the calendar? What day is it? What day will tomorrow be? What is the year?

Today we began our day with Come Read with me.

Learning from home: Find a quiet place and your learning buddy and your black bag. Spend 10 minuets reading to yourself, a family member or your learning buddy.

Extension – Draw a picture about your story. 

Literacy Learning

Reading our shared text which focuses upon – revisiting sounds, high frequency words, blending sounds/letter, formation.

The children flowed through 3 learning tasks today:

  • Letter formation and Initial sound recognition- Handwriting, writing High Frequency words – for example went, we, was
  • Adding a speech bubble to their writer’s workshop
  • Writing and painting High Frequency Words


Home Learning : Have you seen a speech bubble in a story before?  Speech bubble are used to show the voice or what your character is saying directly. Add a speech bubble to your picture about your story. What is the character going to say? How are they feeling? Examples: I like going to the park. It feels hot at the beach.

Before Lunch we watched a high frequency song – this is a fun way to learn and practise our words.

After lunch we watched the Dreaming Story about Tiddalick the frog.

Adum – In the story Tiddalick drank the water and all the other animals tried to make him laugh and when the snake was doing some dances the water fell all out of his mouth.

Keth – The snake tried to make Tiddalick laugh, then the water came out of his mouth.

Bibi – The snake made him laugh. Tiddalick drank all the water and the animals almost died.

Elnathan – So the animals tried their hardest to make him laugh and then the eel made him laugh.

Bibi – Tiddalick didn’t share

Hendrix – That the people and animals need water.

Felipe – They need to stay hydrated so they can survive.

Jed – They were trying to make the frog laugh.

We continue to share and talk about this story and it’s message during the week.

The children then drew a frog using different art materials.

Home Learning: Watch the story and draw a frog. What do you think the message is from the story?

Keeping Safe Curriculum: Keeping Safe

What does safe mean?

Elnathan – It means you are happy and hands off.

Kalil – So you don’t get hurt or bullied by other people.

Keth – It means you are happy.

Adum – Safe means that people can’t hurt you.

Where do you feel safe?

Elnathan – I feel safe at home and at school and with my  family. I feel safe because you can tell people and they can fix the problem.

Kalil – I feel safe at home and at school. When someone is being naughty you go to the teachers.

Jerry – I be safe to my sister.

Keth – I be safe at school and at home and when I get hurt I tell the teacher.

Adum – I feel safe when I am alone.

Senay – DOn’t hurt somebody.

Jed – I feel at school and with my family because so I don’t get hurt. I feel safe with my friends.

Felipe – I feel safe with my family at school because it protects and helps us.

Bior – They say no fighting. At school I feel safe.

Hendrix – I feel safe at home and with my friends and family.

Bibi – I feel safe when I am in class and with all the kids in the class.

Emily – I feel safe at home and school.

What makes you feel safe? What makes it safe?

Hendrix – In the classroom, no one can hurt because nothing can come in.

Adum – The class is safe. What makes it safe is there is a lot of room.

Elnathan – Because they protect you. They – The teachers and your family.

Keth – When you are with your friends can play with them.

Kalil -Stay with your friends, be nice.

Felipe – Look where you are stepping.

From our discussion we came to conclusion:

Everyone has the right to be safe. People and places make us feel safe. There are things we do (don’t run with scissors or yell at each other) and rules we have so we are safe. When we are safe we feel happy. We trust people to help us feel safe.

Home Learning: Talk to your child about how they are feeling at the moment. Where do they feel safe? Why do they feel safe there? What does it mean to feel safe?

Play Investigations

Play is the highest form of research.

This afternoon the children explored:

  • Drawing
  • Construction
  • Painting

Emily: I painted milk with Adum and Bibi.

Adum: Me Bibi and Emily were doing painting and we all gave them to you (Mrs Rodgers)

Elnathan – I was making a car for food and Kalil helped me and I fixed the problem with Kalil and you helped me and we found another way to solve the problem.

Senay – I made with Mobilo a robot.

Felipe – I made something for Jed.

Jerry – I drew a picture of me and Keth.

Jed – I was painting a frog with Kalil and Elnathan.

Kalil – Elnathan was helping me make together, so we fixed the problem.

Keth – I was drawing me.

Bibi – We were painting a fridge.

Bior – I was making a zoo for Jerry.

Home Learning: Reflect about your play today through drawing. Who did you play with? What materials did you use? What problems did you have to solve?

Week 9 – Tuesday

Welcome to Tuesday

At the moment thing are uncertain and for many of us we are taking things day by day.

Please be reassured that your child’s well-being and education is my priority.

Blogs will continue to be used to communicate learning, to spark conversation and to make connections with home and school.

Remember there is learning in all that we do – from playing board games, drawing, cooking and reading together. Time together with family is so valuable. Enjoy!

I feel routine is important for the children at school – so we continue to begin our day with – Come read with me. This also gives myself valuable time to engage with children individually with their reading books.

Happy Birthday Kalil – we hope you had a super fun day celebrating with your friends – Enjoy your chocolate cake tonight 🙂

Come Read with Me – Thank you Kalil for taking photos.

Writer’s Workshop – Today we explored what is a character?

Our thinking before  watching the below clip.

Felipe – A dinosaur can be a character.

Hendrix – A dragon can be a character

JOrdan – An NBA player can be a character.

Keth – A soccer player can be a character

Elnathan – A netball player can be a character.

The children worked hard on the next page of their books. Today they focussed upon a sentence about the characters in their story. The children are encouraged to write down the sounds they hear when they say or stretch out the word. Then during conferencing with the individual children we talk about blending sounds, long and short vowel sounds and High Frequency Word recognition.

Numeracy – 10 Frames


Today we explored learning about number using the 10 frames.

The children explored:

  • Patterns
  • Counting
  • Different ways to represent number
  • Addition

We started with a number and the group needed to represent the number on their 10 frame with red/yellow flip tiles. From this simple task there were  many ways to represent the number. Foe example – the number 4. 4 Yellow, 1 yellow and 3 red. 2 yellow and 2 red, 1 yellow and 3 red and 4 red. Doing this task enables the children to see patterns in numbers and addition.

The children then got 10 flip tiles and tossed them in the air. After they landed they placed them on the 10 frame. The only rules was to keep the colours together. This allowed the children to quickly count how many of each colour there were. The children then said a verbal sentence about their frame. For example – I have 5 red and 5 yellow which makes 10 all together.

The children then moved into recording their discoveries using pictures or addition sums. The aim of these tasks is for the children to understanding and be confident with numbers, counting, recognition and solving problems with numbers to 10.

Investigation – Learning through play. Play is a time to collaborate, solve problems, test new ideas and be creative.

Some the experiences  the children enjoyed today included –  drawing pictures/ planned their learning, making necklaces and building with duplo.


Literacy – Mini Lesson – Letter’Vv’

Together we read our shared text and explored the formation of the letter ‘Vv’