Term 3 – Monday – Week 1

Welcome to Term 3

I was so excited to come back to school to see all of your smiling faces and hear all about your holidays.

Today we welcome Miss Andersen and also all the new reception children into Room 5.

This is going to be an exciting term with lots of new faces, new friends and new learning.

Now when I write the blog I am excited to use the word – ‘we’ as Miss Andersen and I collaborate and continue to make the rest of the year super fun.

RHA – classes timetable

Monday – Music

Tuesday – Sport Uniform

Tuesday – Library

Wednesday – Spanish

R1MR – Same timetable

Blogs: Are an important way to connect with your children and their learning during the day. They are a snapshot of learning which sparks conversation.

Today we started our day with a song and then reading. The song enables the children to have time to chat with their friends, organise their belongings and then find a place to read.

Then it is time for a brain break – while the children are eating fruit, cheese, vegetables or yogurt we are sharing a story, completing the roll and talking about our learning for the day.

The calendar:

Our learning today:

Walk around the school – A time to discover our school with our learning community.


A fun song to listen and settle on the mat with:

At school what do we do to have fun and be safe?

Avelyn: We can play and we can draw and go outside and read story books.

Elnathan – Being safe of helping your friends if they fall down  and having fun is playing with your friends.

Kunal – I say yes you can play with that toy.

Felipe – That is sharing.

Senay – We Shar our toys when we play with them.

Laura – If someone wants to help you can say Thank you.

Owen – We help people and say stuff kindly.

Jerry – You share your toys.

We need to ask the teacher when we leave the room and we need to make sure we walk safely.

We put up our hands to take turns because there are lots of people in our class.

Then we went off in our class groups to draw what a safe and happy class  looks like.

This tasks a builds a positive  identity and a learning community.

Play Investigations

This is a time where children lead their learning through collaboration, curiosity and creativity.

Today we celebrated Senay and Annabelle’s Birthday – we hope they had lots of fun celebrating their birthdays in the holidays.

Have a wonderful evening and we will see you tomorrow.

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