Friday – Week 10 – Term 3

What a wonderful way to start the day with the Moon Lantern Assembly – the hall was filled with colour and creativity.

We are so proud of RHA and R1MR for winning the R/1 best lantern display! We were lucky enough to win some sensory sand and a number clock for our classroom that we look forward to using next term.

After the assembly the children reflected upon the assembly using drawing and pictures. We also asked the children to orally express what they saw, felt, enjoyed and learnt.

HA Assembly Reflection

Kunal – I saw the dragon.

Tesi – I saw my sister’s teacher, she was the man with the dragon.

Tyler – I saw the girl that was fake and I gave her a high 5.

Gurleen – I saw Mr. Pierce in the dragon!

Andreas – I saw Mr. Happy man.

Mason L – I saw my sister at the assembly.

Edward – I saw the lanterns and the ones that our class made.

Omelia – The dragon jumped.


Avelyn – The assembly made me feel happy.

Alice – I felt scared of the dragon.

Mason H – I felt a bit scared, I didn’t like the dragon. I liked all the art.

Kunal – The assembly made me feel happy.

Arianna – The dragon made me scream.

Tanvi – The dragon scared me.


Kevin – My favorite was the dragon jumping all over the stage.

Roman – My favorite bit was the dragon.

Tesi – My favorite was seeing the dragon coming in and seeing the man waking the dragon up.

Alexis – My favorite was when the dragon jumped.

Alexa: I liked the lanterns because whenever I see them they always light up.

Laura : I Looked the dragon because it jumped up really high.

Kalil: I was scared of the dragon.

Senay: I liked the dragon jumping up.

Jerry: I liked the dragon jumping so high.

Bior: I liked the dragon jumping so high.

Ishpreet: I liked the dragon because it looked realistic and I was also proud of McKayla.

Adum: I liked the dragon because it was cool.

Emily: I liked the dance because it was good and it looked cool.

Hendrix: I lilied when the dragon came.

Elnathan: I liked it when I saw the dragon because it was fun.

Mya: I liked when the dragon came and it was walking up the stairs.

Owen: I liked the assembly because there was a dragon that someone was in it.

Jordan I liked seeing the dragon because it jumps.

Abraham: I was shivering because I saw the dragon and the bald man.

Jed: I liked the assembly because it has the dragon and I liked when the dragon jumped.

Felipe: I was excited for the dragon.

Harper: I liked how the lady was fanning the dragon and the dragon umped in mid air.

McKayla: I saw Eva my friend and Becky and they say hello to me and they play with me at OSHC.

Tina: I liked the dragon because it was jumping.

Zara: I liked the dragon because it was jumping.

Keth: I liked when the dragon was jumping up.

Eann: I liked the dragon.




Reflection upon Term 3 – Our learning and Our highlights.

Abraham: I enjoyed the Moon Lantern Festival

Felipe: I got better at reading.

Kunal: I like reading.

Laura: When I first came here there were lots of brand new things to try out.

Edward: I enjoyed the dragon.

Tesi: I like learning numbers.

Jed: I made new reception friends,.

Senay: I enjoyed the dragon jumping.

Gurleen: I enjoyed doing the assembly.

Keth: I enjoyed playing in the sandpit with Zara.

Emily: I learned more words to write.

Ellara: I enjoyed being on the stage.

Elnathan: I enjoyed playing with the new receptions.

Owen: I was getting better at listening at assemblies and writing.

Bior: I enjoyed having  the new receptions

Goals for Term 4

Elnathan: Science experiments and do sports everyday.

Jed: I want to try and make a castle.

Hendrix: Find bugs.

Tina: I want to get better at reading

Bior: Play with toys.

Alexa: I want to catch bugs.

Ishpreet: Next term I want to play with sensory sand.



We wish all the children and their families a wonderful and restful holiday break. It has been a busy term full of learning, laughter, flexibility and celebrations.

Mrs Rodgers has been very proud of her class through out the term as they have supported, guided and cared for the new receptions as you continued your own learning journey in R1MR. She is so proud of all the risks you have taken as learners, the kindness you have shown others and the contributions you have shared with our learning community.

Miss Andersen has been so proud of her new reception class, not just have they settled into the new routine of school but also presented an assembly after only being at school for 9 weeks. The improvement that the students have made in such little time is incredible and we can’t wait to watch the growth to come in Term 4!

Have a safe and happy holiday  – and remember to keep reading 🙂 – and we look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces in Term 4.


Moon Lantern Festival Celebrations – Thursday

Moon Lantern Festival

Moon Lantern Parade | OzAsia Festival | Elder Park | 19 Oct 2019 - What's on for Adelaide Families & KidsWhat's on for Adelaide Families & Kids

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

The Moon Lantern Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival is a popular harvest festival celebrated when the moon is at its fullest and brightest.

Students are invited to wear traditional or cultural clothing on Thursday

Students are also able to wear the colour Red/Orange or School Uniform.

The assembly will highlight cultural aspects of the Moon Lantern Festival. Activities will include a Lion Dance, Asian Dance and sharing of Cultural information. The winners of the Lantern Making Competition will also be announced at the assembly.

All families and members of the community are welcome to attend the assembly.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, shared lunch will not be held this year.

Wednesday Numeracy – Week 10 Term 3

Have a look at some of our Numeracy Learning today!

Today RHA made a counting octopus and then moved into numeracy investigations with R1MR. Take a look at all of the creative ways we used our mathematical thinking today:


How did you use your numeracy exploration time today?

Anabelle – I was using the time cards and I sorted them out.

Adum – I was sorting out numbers 1-12

Jed – On the laptops I was learning

Gurleen – I made a shopping list.

Quan – I made a number out of the blocks.

Tina – I was playing with playdough and made numbers.

Laura – I was on the laptops so I was sorting out the money and how much stuff costs.

Omelia –

Bior – I was playing a number game. It was guess what the number is.

Owen – I was playing the monkey game where you sort and count the monkeys.

Mya – I was on the laptop sorting which was heavier and lighter.

Tesi – I was in the restaurant and counting the cups. The customers had to use money.

Arianna – I was playing with the playdough, I was making numbers with it.

Edward -= I was playing the frog game on the laptops

Mason H I was counting numbers with beads then I made some numbers from playdough

Noah – I was drawing a clock.

Zara – I was playing a mermaid game where I was counting and making patterns from playdough.

Emily – I was drawing a clock.

Keth – I was making a shopping list.

Tanvi and Helena – I was playing in the kitchen. We were counting out things in the restaurant.

Alice – I was making numbers out of playdough

Harper – I was learning about animals and sorting out how much they were.

Omelia, Srey Meas and Srey Pich – I was counting on the laptop with the twins.

Alexa – I was doing the playdough numbers.

Esrom – I was making a number paper chain. I made pattern by making it blue green blue green.

Jed – I was playing counting games on the laptop.

Abraham – I was playing an uneven and odd game.

Jerry – I was making a shopping list.

Eann – I was making a number out of playdough.

Mykayla – I was making playdough numbers.

Esrom – I was playing the horse race game where you saw what number was winning.

Ishpreet – I was making a paper chain and counting and measuring how much you need to cut and you get to count how long it is.

Ellara – I was putting together the number puzzles.

Alexis – I was counting how many playdoughs I made.

Lucas – I was playing the game with the number cards.

Mason L – I was using money.

Avelyn – I was making a clock.

Tuesday – Play Investigations – Week 10 – Term 3

The Power of Play

Printable Kid's Room Quote - Play is the Highest Form of Research - Rainbow Wall Art - Colorful Home Decor - Boy or Girl Print - Classroom by Studio de L'amour | Catch My Party


Play Investigations focus blog:

As the children play they are following their ideas with enthusiasm and commitment. Their focus is sustained and meaningful. Play builds upon the children important learning dispositions essential to life long learners, such as leadership, collaboration, problem solving, working memory, transfer of knowledge, communication, curiosity and persistence.

The children take upon the role of artist, engineers, authors, chefs, teachers and designers.

Everyday when the children play we marvel in their creativity and discoveries.


Gurleen and Alexis used some cut-and-paste sheets to create their own snail and mouse.

Tesi and Tanvi used teamwork to complete this very long alphabet puzzle.

Jed, Elnathan and Jordan worked together to complete this Jungle Puzzle.

Quan and Roman raced cars together.

Laura created a book using her bookmaking skills.

Mason H used his fine motor skills to make pizza out of playdough.

Andreas creatively built a ball out of classroom supplies.

Avelyn used her creativity to make a collage.

The girls worked together to create a restaurant they could eat some lunch at.

Alexis and Eann created a shopping area and a house.


Tina used her fine motor and creative skills to make a lovely hama bead design.

Look at all of these hama bead creations!

Alice and Gurleen making rolling shapes that they have learnt about in Science.


Jerry used his creativity to make a collage.

E and Zara balanced the dominos and gems to create nice patterns.


Avelyn designed a house out of duplo.

Noah and Bior worked together to make a basketball hoop out of duplo.

Omelia, Srey Meas and Srey Pich worked together to design a road for the cars to go on.

Senay was an engineer and created a vehicle.

Andreas, Lucas, Edward, Kevin and Fillipe worked together to make this very tall of cups.

Monday Literacy – Week 10 Term 3

Hello – Welcome to our Literacy focused blog for today!

As usual, we start the day with Come Read with Me. This is a great opportunity for students to collaboratively read with friends and buddies and discover what kind of books they enjoy reading.


Owen: 2 more days and it is bike day.

Jed: It is week 10.

Annabelle: 3 more sleeps until the moon lantern assembly.

Elnathan: It is 2 more days until tricycle day.

Emily: It is Monday.

Bior: One more week until it is school holidays.

Jerry: Tomorrow is Tuesday.

Kunal: Wednesday is laptop day.

Edward: Tomorrow is Tuesday.

Adum: 7 more days until Alexis birthday.


During literacy time, R1MR and RHA have been working on their book making – creating narrative stories that include characters, detailed setting and adding as much writing with careful drawings to enhance the story for the reader.

Take a look at some of our books that we have made this week:



Fun Friday – Week 9 – Term 3

Fun Friday

What a wonderful way to start our day by watching RHA and their buddies 5/6 MS up on the stage presenting their learning through their assembly.

We are very proud of everyone, they were so brave speaking, sitting, dancing and listening up on the stage.

Assembly Reflections

Kevin: I go to the stage with my buddies and I ran so fast.

Kunal: I love it because I was talking and I was listening and may buddy helped me.

Eann: I saw my friend Noah and Andreas on the stage.

Elnathan: I saw my brother on the stage and I was so surprised and happy. And my brother was good on stage.

Abraham: I saw Kevin jumping on the stage.

Tesi: I liked the whole part of the assembly.

Zara: I liked it when people sing.

Laura: When I was watching I saw a funny part when the man jumped out of the car and started dancing.

Jerry: I saw Andreas dancing.

Noah: I saw my brother watching my assembly.

Gurleen: I saw my sister sitting and watching me.

Tanvi: I saw my brother looking at me.


Book Making Time

We enjoyed this shared text before moving into book making. The children were encouraged to tell their stories using pictures and words.

Play Investigations

Children explored learning during play investigations through collaboration, communication and curiosity.

We finished off our day with a fun story.

Wow – There is only 4 more days of learning for Term 3!

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you on Monday.

Class Mass and RHA Assembly

Class Mass

Thank you to the families who joined us today for our class Mass. We were very proud of the children who demonstrated bravery as they played their role during the Mass with a speaking part. Other children engaged through listening, singing and responding.

RHA Assembly

We are excited to watch RHA assembly tomorrow morning at 9am – all welcome.

Have a lovely evening, see you tomorrow.

Wednesday – Week 9 – Term 3 (Literacy Focus)

Welcome to a wonderful warm Wednesday.

Today RHA will be busy practising for their assembly(on Friday)  and then we all will also be having a Mass practise in the afternoon (in readiness for our Mass  on Thursday)

A friendly Reminder

Thursday – Mass in the centre 11:30 – All Welcome

Friday – RHA Assembly – 9am – All Welcome

Literacy Learning today

  • Reading (In the classroom  in a small group, guided reading, with  a friend or independently, also during Mass and assembly practise and also in the library)

Reading with a peer provides a time to exchange understandings and ideas. Words are recognised and sentences are read together as a sentence is decoded and a story unfolds. Pictures and previous knowledge is used a strategy to tell a story. Conversations supports the reader or may add to the story through shared experiences.

  • Writing (For different purposes throughout the day)

Writing letters, words and then sentences. All the children are on the writing continuum which begins with marks on the paper to express an idea to words and then sentences. One strategy the children have been exploring during their writing time is THINK, Say and WRITE. During writing time the children focus upon formation and they make the connection between what they write on paper expresses meaning.

  • Phonics and sounds

This is a time to listen and make connections with letters/sounds and words. Phonics learning supports the children to read and write independently. Today in R1MR we explored long and short ‘a’ sounds.

While R1MR engage in play Investigations Mrs Rodgers listened to children read and conducted running records to measure reading progress this term.

  • Communication of ideas, thoughts and understanding during play and come read with me.

During play investigation the children explore learning opportunities through conversations. The children create play opportunities by negotiation, sharing ideas, plan their roles and solve problems through discussion. Oral language is the important literacy foundation as the children move into reading writing.

So many opportunities to build upon our literacy learning in RHA and R1MR today.


Enjoy your evening and we will see you tomorrow for a fun Thursday.



Tuesday – Week 9 Term 3

Welcome to another Terrific Tuesday!

Don’t forget that families are very welcome to attend our class mass at 11.30am on Thursday as well as RHA’s assembly on Friday morning!

Come Read with Me

Today we started the day with come read with me, a practice that has helped us over the term improve our reading stamina and enjoyment in reading.

Our Calendar

RHA have been learning about the days of the week this term and R1MR have already learned them. Looking at the calendar every day is a great way of using our numeracy learning in a practical way!


Our Timetable

Play Investigations

Today our play was broken into two sections by an evacuation drill, but we made towers with cups, necklaces out of pasta, houses out of duplo and much more!

R1MR Numeracy


Thanks for a lovely day, hope you enjoy the afternoon sun!

Monday – Week 9 – Term 3

Welcome to Monday – it is hard to believe it is Week 9. It is an exciting week as RHA prepare for their first ever assembly on the Holy Family stage on Friday.

Today we welcomed Mason to RHA – We hope you have a great first day of learning at Holy Family.

It is also our classes Mass on Thursday at 11:30 – Parents are welcome to join us in the centre.


Kallil – It is Monday today.

Jed – Today we have music.

Adum – 14 more days until Alexis’ birthday.

Andreas – It is laptop day on Thursday this week.

Mason H – Two months ago it was my birthday, on the 5/8 and I turned 5.

Eann – 5/6MS and RHA have their assembly on Friday.

Literacy is our focus for the morning.

We start our day with conversation, books, talking, reading and listening.

Then we move into writing with a focus upon sounds and book making.

Character Strengths Reflection

Reflection of self and our role within a learning community.

  • How do we feel at school? why
  • How do we help at school?
  • What acts of kindness do we do?


R1 MR – Music

Play Investigations

Children leading play through ideas, interests, strengths, collaboration and curiosity.


RHA – Music

R1MR – Numeracy

Pack up and Mass Preparation and Practise ready for Thursday.

Have a wonderful evening and we will see you tomorrow for another fun day of learning in R1MR & RHA