Thursday Week 5

The Village had their specialist lessons today – Music, Sport and Spanish.

As classes we reflected on our Saint Vincent De Paul house and what can do during Lent to give to those that need it most.

Who is St Vincent de Paul?

He is a very helpful man and if people are sick, he gives them blankets and food. He makes them feel better and he makes people always feel better and never ignores other people who are sick. He helps them and cares about them – Elnathan

He is a big person – Nahom

Saint Vincent de Paul helps people and never explores them and never fights them – Bodhi

He doesn’t touch people, he doesn’t be rude to people and he reads books – Arjan

He is a good person and he helps a lot of sick people and he loves people, he gives people a lot of stuff – Nhial

He cooks food for people and be kind to people – Charlee

He helps people, he is really nice. He gives them drinks and he gives them food – Declan

He gives people food and blankets and a couch, so they can be warm and gives them some teddy bears so they can be nice and warm. He gives them some healthy drinks and Vincent just protects them – Oliver

Vincent de Paul gives them blankets and some toys and plays outside – Nyok

What is something you can bring to give to those less fortunate?

I don’t need my old shoes – Oliver

My Thomas and my teddy and my big fire truck – Nahom

My toy unicorn – Adum

My little kitchen – Charlee

Some clothes that don’t fit me – Ms Quigley

I don’t need my bottles – Oliver

You share and take care of the toys – Arjan

My dress – Dhyani

Making 10 

1 EN made a bus today their provocation was to have 10 people on their bus through different provocations

Jacob: We are plussing and trying to make the number 10 by plussing.

Dimi: A way you can make 10 is five plus five.

Videl: 3 and 7 make 10.

Jacob: 7 plus 3 make 10.

Sonny 5 plus 5 make 10.

Poppiest: 1 plus 9 make 10.

Vidal: 10 plus 0 make 10.

Nickolas: 8 plus 2 is 10.

Cooper: 5 plus 5.

Sonny: 4 plus 6 make 10.

We nearly got to make all the ways in which you can make 10!

After Recess we continued with our investigations. The students led their learning setting up provocations they wanted to play and explore with. They all supported each other and work together. It was interesting to see more and more students join in with different explorations.

The Village particapted in Writers Workshop- before the students go off we always have a mini lesson  on book making.

Today’s focus was “What a book needs and features of a text?”

It was great to see the students lead this learning, sharing their ideas and knowledge and then having a go as “Authors”.

Angie: It needs a front cover.

Sonny: It needs a picture and a title and who its from

Emily: page numbers in the book.

Dimi: Some writing and some drawing, you can get a sound chart to help you.

Jacob: It needs a blurb at the back it tells us all about the story,

The students are really enjoying being authors and we look forward too many more books being made.

At the end of the day we reflected on our CLARA learning powers….

Al: I used Mr Koala to build a bike.

Sahib: I used Mr Koala to make a spaceship.

Sara: I used Mr Koala I use some paper and some drawing.

Nickolas: I used Mr Koala for  picking up with Copper.

James: I used Mr Koala for making a restaurant.

Dimi: I used Mr Koala when I did my painting.

Mr Kangaroo wants to know what you are curious about?

Jacob: I want to learn more about writing and reading.

Kalil: I am curious about Jordan about what he likes.

Leo: I am curious about making numbers.

Isabella: I am curious about numbers.

Kiet: I am curious about Ethan.

Ravleen: I am curious about the Murry Cod.

Dimi: I am curious about the hopping mice.

Jed: I am curious about toys and how they are made.

Videl: I am curious about maths and making ten.

Al: I am curious about my friends.



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