Friday – Week 2 Term 3

Welcome to our Fun-Filled Friday!

Our Calendar

From the calendar today, we noticed:

Elnathan – It is the last day of July.

We then sang the months of the year song and put our hands up when it was the month that our birthday is in.


Our Timetable


We reflected on what we saw:

Elnathan :They copied the book and they changed the words in the book.

Tyler: I was happy because I saw my sister.

Kunal: I like watching the book.

Laura: I happy that I saw my brother walking on the stage.

Mya: I liked seeing my brother on the assembly.

Gurleen: I liked to see the story.

Ishpreet: I like the part with the frog because it was my brother’s friend.

Avelyn: I saw my brother sitting on the floor and he said hello me.

Tesi: I liked the whole thing.

After assembly we shared the book which the assembly was based upon:

Do Not Open This Book by Andy Lee - Book | Kmart

Literacy – A time to write.

Play Investigations

A time for the children to lead their learning through collaboration, curiosity and creativity.





Dear God, I am grateful for:

Elnathan – my life, for everything you gave me and my friends and family.

Filipe – for the world.

Mya – the sky and the clouds.

Ishpreet – giving me my brothers and my Dad and my teachers.

Bibi – my school.

Avelyn – making world for us and all the things to do.

Senay – making my friends.

Kalil – my family.

Tyler – seeing my Dad.

Laura – making the animals to make our food.

Tesi – all the things you made for us to not be bored.

Eann – the food.

Kunal – making the school.

Have a wonderful weekend – enjoy the sunshine and we will see you on Monday.

Thursday – Week 2 Term 3

Welcome to another Tremendous Thursday!

Come read with me

Our Calendar

From the calendar today, we noticed:

Kunal – laptop day was yesterday

Jed – it’s sports day for R1MR

Emily – Today is Thursday

Anabelle – it’s week 2

Alexa – it’s past laptop day

Our Timetable

Literacy Rotations

Today for literacy rotations, R1MR focused again on rhyming words and labeling a seahorse. RHA learnt about the letter ‘P’, the sound that it makes and words we know that start with ‘p’.


HA – Numeracy

While R1MR were at PE, RHA worked on the formation of the numbers from 1-10.

We then went for a break out to Log Park and then moved into Investigations with a numeracy focus.

HASS – Our Family

After some mindfulness to relax after lunch, we talked about who is in our families.

What do you like to do with your family?

Laura – My parents are special because they love me.

Tesi – I like to go to western farm.

Alice – I like going to the beach with my dad.

Gurleen – I like to go with my mum to the park.

Kunal – I go to the beach with all my family.

Kalil – I like to help my family.

Anabelle – I like to help my mum going shopping.

Tyler – I like to go see Sav with my family.

Elnathan – Me and my family go to restaurants.

Harper – I play board games with my family.

Alice – I play board games with my family.

Eann – I go to the shops with my family.

Senay – I play basketball with my two sisters.

Adum – I play outside with my family.

Bebe – I like to play monopoly.

Gerry – I go with my mum to the shops.

Alexa – I like playing dance on Nintendo with my mum and dad and I like to play with my dad on Nintendo.

Ellara – I like to play on the playground with my sister.

Tina – I like to play uno with my family.

Mya – I like to wash my car with my family.

Abraham – I like to play with this magnetic marble run with my family.

Omelia – I like to play hide and seek with mummy.

Ishpreet – When i was sick my dad got me some ice cream to make me feel better. My family looks after me and make me feel better.

Avelyn – My family goes to the beach and see mermaids.

Owen – I go bowling and to museums with my family.

Hendrix – I watch TV with my family.

And then we drew our family inside a frame to put up on the wall – keep your eye out!


Thanks for another exciting day of learning, have a lovely night and we will see you in the morning ready for assembly!

Wednesday – Week 2 Term 3

Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!

Our Calendar

From the calendar today, we noticed:

Tesi – It’s laptop day

Andreas – The tick is on the same day as the laptop sign so it’s laptop day

Elnathan – its the 29th July

Ishpreet – we are in Term 3

Kunal – Its laptop day because we have the laptops

Anabelle – today is Wednesday

Our Timetable

Come Read with Me

Literacy Rotations

Today, R1MR rotated through a range of literacy activities focussing on rhyme and labelling while RHA learned about the letter T name and sound.

RHA – Spanish

R1MR – Library

RHA – Numeracy Rotations

Today we did some more practice with forming our numbers.

Play Investigations

Today we were lucky to have the laptops and the new bikes during play investigations!


What do we mean by movement?

Jed – bottles move in the wind

Ishpreet – when you’re flying a kite

Adum – somethings that moves things in space is gravity

Harper – the earth moves around

Alexa – someone else might move something

Tyler – the moon comes at night and moves away during the day

Gurleen – rain moves down on the earth

Elnathan – animals move by their body like snakes and other animals

Abraham – your bones help you to move

How would you describe the way an ant moves?

Edward – the ant’s body helps it move
Harper – with their legs

Alice – they use their legs

Tesi – the ant was marching

Anabelle – walked

Abraham – crawled

How would you describe the way a ball moves when pushed?

Kevin – roll

Andreas – dropped

Eann – fell in the sink

Elnathan – rolling into the sink

Is that the only way a ball can move?

Draw/write about something you saw moving in the classroom.

Use movement-describing words from above (hop, bounce, crawl, walk, roll)

“The leaf is falling”


Tuesday – Week 2 Term 3

Welcome to another Tantalising Tuesday!! 

We started the day as usual with “come read with me” which gives the students time to quietly settle and get reading.

Our Calendar 


We discussed what we can notice from the calendar today, these included:

Andreas: It is laptop day tomorrow.

Jerry: Today is Tuesday

Gurleen: Today is the day we go to sports.

Annabelle: It is week 10.

Emily: It is term 3.

Tesi: I have Karate after school in the evening.


Our Timetable

Shared Text – Leo the Littlest Seahorse

Today, we again read the book “Leo the Littlest Seahorse” and discussed camouflage.

Rocket Writing

Rocket writing helps us to build stamina in our writing. During this time, R1MR focussed on finishing their stories with a ‘Sizzling Start” that we started yesterday.

RHA focused on the letter ‘a’ and the sound that it makes. We practiced the correct formation of this letter and words that we already know that have the ‘a’ sound in it.


Art – Camouflage Activity / Play Investigations

This week we have been exploring the idea of camouflage with the help of our shared text.


Elnathan – You blend in with some colour so you blend in to hide from predators

Alexa – it’s if someone is trying to find you and eat you they cant find you because you are blending in.

Adum – When you are next to something and you turn that colour.

Abraham – camouflage helps other animals to survive

There are all sorts of animals that use camouflage to keep safe.


What can you create with a paper plate?

Avelyn – I could create a snail

Jed – I could create a flower

Gurleen – I could make a butterfly

Tina – Maybe a bow

Alexa – a clock

Eann – Some train tracks

Omelia – I might make a butterfly

Tesi – It could be wheels for a bus

Mckayla – I could make a face

Keth – I want to make a mask

MR – Spanish


Today, RHA again had the opportunity to read a book in the library and swap out our readers so that we have new books to read for the next week. We all borrowed some readers and big picture books to read during ‘come read with me’ and at

Thanks for another wonderful day, have a lovely night and we will see you in the morning.

Monday – Week 2 – Term 3

Welcome to Week 2

We started our day with come read with me. The children have the opportunity to greet their peers, organise their belongings and then move into reading.

Our Calendar

We talked about the calendar and what information we could read from it. This discussion builds upon and uses their vocabulary of words such as yesterday, tomorrow and next week.

Our Learning

Shared Text – Leo the littlest Seahorse

Leo the Littlest Seahorse by Margaret Wild - Penguin Books Australia

In the warm waters of the coral reef, one hundred and one baby seahorses are born. Their world is full of surprises, and there is so much to learn – especially for Leo, the littlest seahorse of them all. But when danger strikes, it’s Leo who surprises everyone with a special discovery of his own.

From two of Australia’s best-loved picture-book creators comes this delightful story of small creatures on a big adventure.

Writer’s Workshop

Sizzling Start – How can we start our story in a way that captures the interest of the reader?

Elnathan – One sunny morning

Alexa – It was night time in the forrest…

Jed – One day in a tree

Abraham – One day there was a scary cheetah.

Kalil – It was a dark night

Annabelle – One night I heard a loud….

Laura – It was a long, long time ago

Writer’s workshop


Bucket Filling

We read the ‘bucket filling’ text and then reflected upon the following questions:

What is bucket filling?

How can we fill people’s buckets?

The children then recorded in their books using words and pictures.

R1MR – Music

RHA – Play Investigations

R1MR – Play Investigations


R1MR – Numeracy/ RHA Music

Exploring the concepts of odd and even numbers.


The children worked with a partner to explore odd and even numbers through a sorting task. The children picked up a small handful of counters. Then they sorted the counters into two groups. If there was a counter left over  – the number was odd. If the group of counters were able to be shared evenly then the number was even. The children then recorded in their mini math books. Great team work everyone.

Game Time

Board Games

Hand Ball

Reflection –  Bucket Filling

Avelyn: When I was playing at the playground, someone wanted a toy and I gave it to them.

Jerry: I was playing with my friends.

Eann: I was playing with my friends.

Adum: At lunch time on the playground, someone got hurt and I helped her.

Esrom: I was playing, I was passing the ball to him.

Abraham: Today Felipe was playing with me.

Kunal: When someone was hurt I helped them.

Miss Andersen: I saw Harper helping Harambir.

Mr Slater: Kevin was feeling a bit sad and he showed bravery today. Specks of gold – everyone in the class is a good friend to each other.

Have a lovely evening and we will see you tomorrow.



Term 3 – Friday – Week 1

Welcome to Fun Filled Friday

Our Calendar

Our Learning

Today we enjoyed our first assembly hosted by the leaders.

Felipe: Mr White talked about Kindness.

Jed: Mr White was talking about bucket filling and to fill their bucket.

Harper: Mr Slater said no saying any bad words and be kind.

Kalil: Don’t say means words to people because it makes them say.

Jordan: Mr White was talking about bucket filling and it is when you make people happy. When you do bucket filling you make yourself and other people happy.

Ishpreet: Assembly was about your character strengths and if you choose bravery you stand up for others.

Elnathan: The assembly represented about our school and being kind to people.

Mya: It was about specks of gold.

Then we went to a walk around the oval for some fitness and then back to the classroom for some yoga before recess

Play Investigation

What if?” and “I wonder...”: the power of play and experimenting ...

Today during Play Investigations the children were encouraged to challenge their thinking  –

Today they were encouraged to be engineers, designers, artists, authors who collaborate, problem solve, create and explore.

Through play the children build upon important learning dispositions as life long learners.

They listen, communicate, negotiate, try something new, share, solve problems, collaborate and teach.

Mindfulness Colouring and Game Time

At the end of the day we talked about all our different learning experiences and reflected upon our fun filled week.

Alice: I did painting

Mya: I enjoyed playing with Harper’s box.

Ishpreet: I was playing Alexa, Harper, Laura, Mya and Tina because they are my friends and they are different.

Avelyn: I enjoyed playing outside.

Kalil: I enjoyed playing with my friends.

Bibi: I enjoyed playing with my best friend.

Senay: I played on the slide with Bior, Jerry and Eann.

Eann: I played with my friends in the playground.

Jordan: I enjoyed playing soccer with my friends during lunch and recess.

Tina: I enjoyed making with my friends.

Abraham: I enjoyed Assembly

Other fun included:








Come read with me



Have a wonderful evening, enjoy the weekend and we will see you on Monday


Term 3 – Thursday Week 1

Welcome to a Terrific Thursday! 

Come Read with Me


Our Calendar

From the calendar, we notice:

Abraham – it’s laptop day

Eann – it’s Thursday

Ishpreet – Yesterday was Gurleen’s birthday and its two more days Roman’s birthday

Gerry – R1MR has PE today because it’s Thursday

Ellara – I noticed we started our day with reading

Our Timetable


Literacy Rotations

We moved into literacy rotations and chose some different activities surrounding the alphabet.



During numeracy, RHA practiced our number formation for the numbers:

1.     2.     3.    4.    5.     6.     7.    8.    9.    and     10. 

using elephant trunks to draw them in the air.

Then we had lots of choices of activities to practice what we have learned. We used playdoh, unifix cubes, jems, cars and whiteboards to make our numbers.

After a brain break on the playground, we came back for some numeracy investigation based play.

R1MR practiced bundling groups of ten:

Religion – Rainbow Fish 

This is the story about a fish who thought he was the most beautiful fish in the ocean. He was also very selfish and lonely and couldn’t figure out why no one liked him.

After we shared the story we talked about the following questions:

What did the other fish want from the rainbow fish?

Tesi – A scale

Why wouldn’t he give them a beautiful scale?

Mikayla – because he was being mean

Alexis – because he didn’t want to share

Why did rainbow fish become lonely?

Elnathan – because he never shared his scales with the other fish. They wanted a scale but he didn’t give one away and they didn’t play with him.

Abraham – because when the blue fish came by him, he asked him for a scale. The rainbow fish didn’t give it to him and the blue fish felt scared and he told all his friends so none of his friends wanted to come to rainbow fish anymore.

Who did he go talk to about what he should do?

Esrom – the octopus and the starfish

How did he feel when he gave away a scale?

Harper – he felt happy and he kept on sharing

Owen – happy at the end

Ishpreet – when he gave the scale away he felt happy and now he has friends.


We all have special gifts given to us by God and God would like us to share these gifts. We might be able to draw, sing, or build things, but each of us has special gifts from God and like rainbow fish we will feel very happy if we share our gifts with others.

What is your gift? How can you share your gift?

Elnathan – teaching other people sports

Miya – playing with people nicely

Keth – helping people with reading


After our discussion we created our own Rainbow Fish art by using small pieces of coloured and metallic paper to create scales. On the back we recorded what is our gift.

We will be putting these on the wall on RHA’s side soon so keep your eye out!!


Have a lovely night and we will see you in the morning ready for assembly 🙂

Term 3 – Wednesday – Week 1

Welcome to Wednesday

Another chilly day of learning at Holy Family – it is only Wednesday and we are very proud of the way everyone is settling into our new routine of learning.

Come Read with Me

On Wednesday morning we have Mr Bartold in our learning space to support literacy. He will listen to children read and then support small group learning.

Our Calendar

What information can we read from the calendar:

Adum – it’s my baby brothers birthday tomorrow

Eann – today is Wednesday

Annabelle – the season is winter

Gurleen is 5 today!

Our Learning

Shared Reading Text

The children enjoyed some brain food while we shared the text: The is text explores different aspects of literacy. The children explore:

  • Letter sounds
  • High Frequency words
  • Enjoying a story – Oral Language
  • Compréhension
  • Focus : Digraph

RHA – Spanish

R1 MR – Literacy Rotations

  • Writing ‘er’ words – then write them in a sentence
  • Finding digraphs in books  – ‘or’ ‘er’ ‘oo’ ‘ar’
  • Drawing a story  – include a detailed picture of the setting and characters
  • High Frequency Word  – roll – say – write


R1 MR – Library

Today we enjoyed the book called – Embrace your body – This is a wonderful story celebrating self 🙂

RHA – Numeracy

Exploring number  through rhyme,  counting, formation and recognition.

The children found numbers around the room and recorded in their mini math books.


Play Investigations

What are somethings that we can do during Play Investigation?

Let’s think of some things that challenging our thinking, something we want to learn or teach someone else or something we are practicing


  • Making things
  • Use paper to make things
  • Build with lego
  • Drawing
  • Making art –
  • Making books – We can make story hooks, pop up books, flaps books and information books.
  • Home – chef, make a shop
  • Painting
  • Magnets
  • Building with blocks
  • Making things with pop sticks



Mindfulness – Rainbow Breath


Today we started talking about ‘Moving’.

First we played a game of Freeze

What was our body doing?

Laura – Our body has to stop moving

Alice – Someone moved still

Omelia – When we were freezing we stopped dancing

Andreus – You freeze

Abraham – Are we allowed to blink?

Then we explored how our bodies move

Voluntary – I am in control


Involuntary  – our body is in control

We recorded our understandings using words and pictures


Term 3 – Week 1 Tuesday

**We are having some technical issues uploading photos today – they will be uploaded tomorrow morning ASAP, thanks**

Today we started the day with our morning routine – come read with me. For the new receptions, this is a new routine but having the experienced and amazing R1MR students as an example helped these students with learning how school works!
The calendar:

Our learning today:
Writers Workshop
Together we discussed the different parts of a book.
What’s this part of the book called?
Avelyn – It’s the shiny fish
Esrom – it’s the front
Emily – it has the title
Eann – it’s the back cover
Arianna – I can see the rainbow fish
The pictures can tell us the story
Jordan – the pages have writing too
We use words to tell our stories too. Words and pictures can tell stories. 
First, we need to imagine and think about some ideas of what we could write a story about. 
We then moved into writing and drawing our stories, we created some amazing stories using words and pictures with different characters and actions.
Self Portraits
This video helped us learn about what a self portrait is:
Self portraits are a special type of drawing that is a drawing of our self.
Take a look at some of our self portraits!
While RHA went to PE and library, R1MR did some amazing numeracy work!
Have a lovely evening and we will see you in the morning 🙂

Term 3 – Monday – Week 1

Welcome to Term 3

I was so excited to come back to school to see all of your smiling faces and hear all about your holidays.

Today we welcome Miss Andersen and also all the new reception children into Room 5.

This is going to be an exciting term with lots of new faces, new friends and new learning.

Now when I write the blog I am excited to use the word – ‘we’ as Miss Andersen and I collaborate and continue to make the rest of the year super fun.

RHA – classes timetable

Monday – Music

Tuesday – Sport Uniform

Tuesday – Library

Wednesday – Spanish

R1MR – Same timetable

Blogs: Are an important way to connect with your children and their learning during the day. They are a snapshot of learning which sparks conversation.

Today we started our day with a song and then reading. The song enables the children to have time to chat with their friends, organise their belongings and then find a place to read.

Then it is time for a brain break – while the children are eating fruit, cheese, vegetables or yogurt we are sharing a story, completing the roll and talking about our learning for the day.

The calendar:

Our learning today:

Walk around the school – A time to discover our school with our learning community.


A fun song to listen and settle on the mat with:

At school what do we do to have fun and be safe?

Avelyn: We can play and we can draw and go outside and read story books.

Elnathan – Being safe of helping your friends if they fall down  and having fun is playing with your friends.

Kunal – I say yes you can play with that toy.

Felipe – That is sharing.

Senay – We Shar our toys when we play with them.

Laura – If someone wants to help you can say Thank you.

Owen – We help people and say stuff kindly.

Jerry – You share your toys.

We need to ask the teacher when we leave the room and we need to make sure we walk safely.

We put up our hands to take turns because there are lots of people in our class.

Then we went off in our class groups to draw what a safe and happy class  looks like.

This tasks a builds a positive  identity and a learning community.

Play Investigations

This is a time where children lead their learning through collaboration, curiosity and creativity.

Today we celebrated Senay and Annabelle’s Birthday – we hope they had lots of fun celebrating their birthdays in the holidays.

Have a wonderful evening and we will see you tomorrow.