Tuesday – Week 2 Term 3

Welcome to another Tantalising Tuesday!! 

We started the day as usual with “come read with me” which gives the students time to quietly settle and get reading.

Our Calendar 


We discussed what we can notice from the calendar today, these included:

Andreas: It is laptop day tomorrow.

Jerry: Today is Tuesday

Gurleen: Today is the day we go to sports.

Annabelle: It is week 10.

Emily: It is term 3.

Tesi: I have Karate after school in the evening.


Our Timetable

Shared Text – Leo the Littlest Seahorse

Today, we again read the book “Leo the Littlest Seahorse” and discussed camouflage.

Rocket Writing

Rocket writing helps us to build stamina in our writing. During this time, R1MR focussed on finishing their stories with a ‘Sizzling Start” that we started yesterday.

RHA focused on the letter ‘a’ and the sound that it makes. We practiced the correct formation of this letter and words that we already know that have the ‘a’ sound in it.


Art – Camouflage Activity / Play Investigations

This week we have been exploring the idea of camouflage with the help of our shared text.


Elnathan – You blend in with some colour so you blend in to hide from predators

Alexa – it’s if someone is trying to find you and eat you they cant find you because you are blending in.

Adum – When you are next to something and you turn that colour.

Abraham – camouflage helps other animals to survive

There are all sorts of animals that use camouflage to keep safe.


What can you create with a paper plate?

Avelyn – I could create a snail

Jed – I could create a flower

Gurleen – I could make a butterfly

Tina – Maybe a bow

Alexa – a clock

Eann – Some train tracks

Omelia – I might make a butterfly

Tesi – It could be wheels for a bus

Mckayla – I could make a face

Keth – I want to make a mask

MR – Spanish


Today, RHA again had the opportunity to read a book in the library and swap out our readers so that we have new books to read for the next week. We all borrowed some readers and big picture books to read during ‘come read with me’ and at

Thanks for another wonderful day, have a lovely night and we will see you in the morning.

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