Monday – Week 2 – Term 3

Welcome to Week 2

We started our day with come read with me. The children have the opportunity to greet their peers, organise their belongings and then move into reading.

Our Calendar

We talked about the calendar and what information we could read from it. This discussion builds upon and uses their vocabulary of words such as yesterday, tomorrow and next week.

Our Learning

Shared Text – Leo the littlest Seahorse

Leo the Littlest Seahorse by Margaret Wild - Penguin Books Australia

In the warm waters of the coral reef, one hundred and one baby seahorses are born. Their world is full of surprises, and there is so much to learn – especially for Leo, the littlest seahorse of them all. But when danger strikes, it’s Leo who surprises everyone with a special discovery of his own.

From two of Australia’s best-loved picture-book creators comes this delightful story of small creatures on a big adventure.

Writer’s Workshop

Sizzling Start – How can we start our story in a way that captures the interest of the reader?

Elnathan – One sunny morning

Alexa – It was night time in the forrest…

Jed – One day in a tree

Abraham – One day there was a scary cheetah.

Kalil – It was a dark night

Annabelle – One night I heard a loud….

Laura – It was a long, long time ago

Writer’s workshop


Bucket Filling

We read the ‘bucket filling’ text and then reflected upon the following questions:

What is bucket filling?

How can we fill people’s buckets?

The children then recorded in their books using words and pictures.

R1MR – Music

RHA – Play Investigations

R1MR – Play Investigations


R1MR – Numeracy/ RHA Music

Exploring the concepts of odd and even numbers.


The children worked with a partner to explore odd and even numbers through a sorting task. The children picked up a small handful of counters. Then they sorted the counters into two groups. If there was a counter left over  – the number was odd. If the group of counters were able to be shared evenly then the number was even. The children then recorded in their mini math books. Great team work everyone.

Game Time

Board Games

Hand Ball

Reflection –  Bucket Filling

Avelyn: When I was playing at the playground, someone wanted a toy and I gave it to them.

Jerry: I was playing with my friends.

Eann: I was playing with my friends.

Adum: At lunch time on the playground, someone got hurt and I helped her.

Esrom: I was playing, I was passing the ball to him.

Abraham: Today Felipe was playing with me.

Kunal: When someone was hurt I helped them.

Miss Andersen: I saw Harper helping Harambir.

Mr Slater: Kevin was feeling a bit sad and he showed bravery today. Specks of gold – everyone in the class is a good friend to each other.

Have a lovely evening and we will see you tomorrow.



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