Tuesday – Week 4 – Term 4

Welcome to another warm and wonderful day of learning in RHA and R1MR.

Terrific Tuesday

A friendly reminder with the weather being so warm pleas apply sunscreen in the mornings and pack a hat each day. Please make sure your child’s hat is clearly labelled. Thank you

Come Read with Me –  A lovely way to connect in the morning with our friends.


Our Learning

Literacy Focus: Rhyme

Book Making

During book making time the children are encourage to draw and write like a 4 year old or a five year old or a six year or a seven year old – we are all different in the way we draw and write and represent our understandings  and making ‘Books’ is  really celebration of each child as an individual. Each day we marvel of what the children bring to this task.


Play Investigations` – today during play investigations we had a visit from the ELC children who will be transitioning to school next year.


Numeracy – exploring maps, keys and direction.

Observations and Recording

What has happened to our caterpillar?

Time to be a scientist and record our observations.

We need to keep observing everyday to see the next change. We wonder what will happen next?

Have a lovely night – keep cool

Mrs Rodgers will away tomorrow and Miss Nguyen will be teaching the class alongside Miss Andersen.

(I will see you on Thursday)

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