Home Learning | 27/7/21 | Tuesday |Term 3 | Week 2

Tuesday’s Home Learning

Good morning boys and girls and welcome to Tuesday. 

Say ‘hi’ to all your friends, they will also be visiting the blog today.

If you would like to do some Sport, please click on the link that Mr Pearce has provided below:

PE Lessons – Tuesday (Year 5/6 and Reception/Year 1)

Morning Prayer

Shared Reading Time 

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen


Come Read With Me

Here is Alice, she found a nice quiet spot to read in our Library a few weeks ago.

Find somewhere quiet to sit with a book.  You can read it with an adult or read it to one of your favourite toys. Today, can you look for these words in your book and you might like to make a tally as you go.








Revising the letter Pp. Watch the video and practise writing the letter p in your Home Learning book. Then write some three letter words;










Here are some of the words I have written:



Play Investigations

 Do whatever makes you smile! If you’re stuck for an idea …. here’s just one today: MILK ART!

Take a bowl and add milk to it. Put in a few drops of different food colours right at the centre. Then, place a tiny blob of liquid soap onto an ear bud. Touch the food colouring and observe!


Take a look at the MUDLA challenge below. Can you answer the questions using the photographs as a guide? 

MUDLA CHALLENGE: You can download and print the document by clicking on the blue title.


Here is an activity you might like to try.  You can draw up your own table similar to the one below. Place your answers in the boxes. Try using 6 objects to help you out, for example, 6 pebbles, 6 pieces of pasta, 6 marbles, 6 toys. Show your recording in your Home Learning Book or take some photos please.

English and Book making

How is your book making going? Today you may wish to continue your book that you are working on or you can begin a new book.

Remember to:

Draw detailed pictures –  (where is the story set: a forest, a city, a garden?)

Add words – use speech bubbles or add labels or sentences.

A page from Mrs Papillo’s book about a cat and a dog. They live in a back yard together.


I know you all love this story, so get ready and start singing!


End of day prayer:

Monday Home Learning Sharing | Term 3 | Week 3

Thank you to all the families sending in photos, it is great to see the familiar faces.  I hope all families are safe and well and am hoping to see you all soon. I am missing the day to day / face to face learning with the children in our classroom.

Home Learning from Charlotte:

Lexi’s Learning from home:

Aarav’s Learning from home:

Daniel’ Home Learning:

Home Learning from Sakina: