Friday, Term 4, Week 3

Reading Achievements-

Congratulations to Ayla who achieved 175 nights of reading. Well done!

Congratulations to Mason who achieved 125 nights of reading. Well done!

Congratulations to Tanvi who achieved 100  nights of reading. Well done!

RPN Assembly-

Well done to the students who did a fantastic job with their assembly in front of the whole school. It was well received and lots of praise was thrown their way. 

Have a great weekend and see you tomorrow 🙂


RPN Assembly, Thursday 28th of October


This week, RPN have been busy practising for our buddy assembly with 3JH. It is based on the book, ‘The Magic Hat’ by Mem Fox. We will be performing the assembly on Thursday, the 28th of October, at 2pm in the Hall, for parents and families to come and watch. Please be mindful to be COVID safe, if you are attending. Hope to see you there! 🙂

Monday – Term 4 – Week 3

Welcome to Monday

Our calendar

Our Learning

Celebrating Reading

Congratulations Ryder for achieving 125 night of reading – Well Done

Congratulations Krisha for achieving 150 nights of reading – Well done

Word Study

  • Consolidating our letter/sound knowledge – Letter Yy
  • Recognising words that begin the Yy sound.
  • Sentence building using familiar words (remembering literacy conventions of spaces between words, capital letter and full stops)

Play Investigations

Exploring learning dispositions of leadership, curiosity, collaboration, problem solving and communication.

Have a lovely evening – see you tomorrow 🙂


R MR and 3 HS Buddy Assembly

Hello families of R MR

I know many of you were able to attend the filming to our assembly on Wednesday, but as promised here is the link to view it online for those who couldn’t make it. Perhaps some exciting family viewing over the weekend!!

Today we shared our work with the school and the students all did an amazing job. Mrs Stam and I are very proud of the way the students spoke and helped each other out – It was a great team effort. Every student had a special part to play either on stage and behind the scenes, like curtains, IT or content creation.

Here are some photos of the performance 🙂

Some photos from Wednesday:

Have a wonderful a weekend  – see you on Monday.

Sports Day, Thursday, Term 4, Week 2

What a fantastic day for Sports Day. Here are the children in action:





Wednesday – Term 4 – Week 2

Welcome to Wednesday

We are very proud of the students in R MR and 3 HS who presented their buddy assembly this afternoon to our families. Sharing our learning is something we all ready enjoy doing. The children displayed amazing leadership, creativity and bravery when they perform on the stage.

We are excited to present our assembly to the rest of the school on Friday.

We have another exciting day tomorrow – SPORTS DAY

Please remember to bring a hat tomorrow and apply sunscreen before coming to school.

Parents are able to watch the activities on the oval:

9.25am JP baton relay
9.45am JP rotation
10.45am JP rotation finish.

Photos of some of our Learning today:

Have a lovely evening – see you tomorrow 🙂

Tuesday, Term 4, Week 2

Welcome to Tuesday.


Daily Routine:

Snapshot of learning:

Religion- After talking about rules at school and in society last week, we discussed the rules that Jesus mentioned in the Gospel, as to how we should live our lives. The first rule was about loving God with your heart, soul and mind. The second rule was about loving your neighbour as you should love yourself or treating people how you like to be treated. The students came up with some learning to do with Jesus’ second rule.

Have a great evening and see you tomorrow 🙂

Monday – Term 4 – Week 2

Welcome to Monday

Dates to remember – Week 2

Wednesday 20th of Oct:  Final rehearsal for R MR & 3HS assembly – Parents welcome – 2pm start

Thursday 21st of Oct: Sports Day

Friday 22nd of Oct: R MR & 3 HS assembly presentation to the school community

(Please note: children wear school uniform for assembly – thank you)

Dates to remember – Week 3

Thursday 28th of Oct:  Final rehearsal for R PN & 3 JH assembly – Parents welcome – 2pm start

Friday 29th of Oct: R PN & 3 JH assembly presentation to the school community

Photos of learning

This term we are revisiting and consolidating our letter sound knowledge.

Today we explored writing the letter Ww, thinking of words that begin with the letter W and building sentence.

Word Study – Letter Ww

Celebrating Reading

Congratulations Alexander for achieving 25 nights of reading- well done

Have a lovely night – see you tomorrow