Wednesday – Term 4 – Week 1

Welcome to Wednesday

Visual Arts

Learning Focus: Use and experiment with different materials, techniques, technologies and processes to make artworks (ACAVAM107)

Question: What could you make from play dough?

Thinking and sharing ideas is how we planned our creations today.

After the students had time to create with the  play dough they reflection upon their initial ideas. Some students changed their design, others added materials or problem solved until they reached their goal

Avelyn: A person

I changed my idea because it did not stand up properly.

Luciano: I am going to make Sonic

It was not standing so I made a dog.

Ryder: I am going to make Mario.

The arms were falling off so I was trying to push it in.

Xavier: I am going to make a snake.

I made a snake and then I made a DJ. I rolled out the play dough for the snake.

Olivia: I am going to make a unicorn.

The unicorn didn’t work out properly so I made a volcano.

Tanvi: I am going to make a butterfly

I made a butterfly with wings and googly eyes.

Anna D: A candy cane

I made bow because it stands properly.

Lucas: I am going to make spider man

I changed my idea and I made eyes on a cookie because I couldn’t make spider man.

Kunal: I am going to make a swing.

I made the people on the swing and I had no more time.

Roman: I am going to make a table.

In beginning it didn’t stand and the second time I was putting some in the middle.

Matilda: I am going to make a bunny.

I made a bear instead because I couldn’t make the ears.

Emilia: A love heart

I made a big heart and then I added eyes because it was cute.

Sehaj: A fairy

I made a fairy with googly eyes.

Alexander: A table

A made a snake because the rectangle crushed the legs.

Kirat: A ballerina

The arms little but fell off so I twisted them on tight.

Helena: I am going to make a tree.

The didn’t stand up so I made it flat.

Eva: A pancake

I pushed it down and I put little circle because they are the syrup.

Mason: A robot

It was good and easy.

Quan: A chair

It didn’t stand properly.

Rozy: I am going to make a lollypop

I added feathers so it looked like a bird lollypop.

Vedan: I am going to make a triangle.

When I was doing a triangle then I knew it wouldn’t stand up so I made a dog and it worked a little bit good.

Anna P: I am going to make Pikachu

It was fun.

Reid: I am going to make a dinosaur

I was making the feet and the knee but the knees were falling down so I made a snake.

Ethan: A T-rex

My Trex was standing up really well because I was putting on the table really tight.

Kevin: A cup

I made as cup by making a worm and turning it around. Then I made a rocket ship but making a lines  and a triangle and a square. I put the shapes together.

Esrom: A ball

I made a ball by rolling it, then I made a cup by doing the handle by taking little bits of the playdough and then I made the handle.

Ruwan: A bowl

I made a bowl by rolling it.

Kayden: A spider man

First I made the head and then I put the eyes on and then I made the body and the spider logo. Then I made the legs and arms. Then I made a dinosaur.

Sora: A pancake

I made a pancake and then I made an egg and a basketball by rolling it.

Henry: A plate

I made it look like pizza. Then I made a donut by a cirle

Mason H: A goblin

It was very hard but I got it in the end by trying my hardest.

Oscar H: mountain

I build a mountain, it was like a real one, it stand up.

Oscar S: Ninja

I didn’t make a ninja because I didn’t have black so I built a peacock because I had feather and two eyes. I made a mouth by drawing it with a feather.

Rex: Iron man

I nearly finished it but was hard to put the hands so I kept making it and didn’t give up. It had two eyes.

McKayla: A heart

I made a a heart with googly eyes because I wanted it to smile.

Ayla: A Pikachu

I didn’t make Pikachu because the Pikachu was so hard I made a lollypop.

Jon: A cup

I made a cup and then  I made a snowman. I used googly eyes.

Fynn: A soccer ball.

I made a soccer ball and then I made an alien with 6 eyes.

Aria: Flowers

I made a one flower, I made the middle first and then I made the petals.

Malika: lollypop

I didn’t make a lolly pop, I made marshmallows because the lolly pop was hard.

Eva: A love  heart

A made a heart and I added some feathers because I liked the feathers.

Ellie: A smoothie

I made person because the smoothie was hard to make.

Clara: a worm

A actually snails because worms were hard to make. I made a Mum and a dad and a little sister, a brother and an aunt and a grandma.

Reign: A mini unicorn

Unicorns are easy to make because the horn is easy to make because it is a square.

Krish: A lollypop

I squished and I made a funny face.

Aiden: Dog

I used sticks for the ears.


Have a lovely evening

Michelle and Paul

R MR & 3 HS – Buddy Assembly

Dear Families

R MR are busy preparing for our Buddy Assembly.

Our buddy assembly is on Friday the 22nd of October (Week 2) (Next week)

The final rehearsal and Parent Performance will be on Wednesday the 20th of October at 2pm.

We hope you are able to join us for this special event.

Please sign in on arrival and follow Covid-safe guidelines.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards



Sports Day 2021

Dear Families,

Holy Family’s Sports Day for 2021 will be held on Thursday 21 October (week 2, term 4) on the school oval.

We are transitioning from the former “Colour Teams” to the “Houses of Learning”, Pope John Paul 11, Mary McKillop, St Vincent de Paul format which we use across Curriculum throughout the year.

This year, we have amalgamated the sports houses and learning houses together and students are allocated to one of the Houses listed below:

St Mary MacKillop – Black























St Pope John Paul II – Red




Mason H














St Vincent de Paul – Cream


Oscar H








Anna D






Anna P

School will commence at the normal time of 8.50am and finish at 3pm.  Students will need to wear their sports uniform but may wear a coloured shirt for their sports house.  If the children do not have a top in the new colours as yet that is fine and they may wear what they do have.

The program will be run in 3 stages with classes returning to their classrooms for their normal lessons when not required to be at the oval.

Parents are welcome to attend to watch their child participate.

Parents are also reminded that when entering the school, they must check-in by scanning the SA Health QR code or completing the paper recording log template. The paper recording template is available in the front office.

Please note the COVID Ssfe Check-in is purely for SA Health contact tracing purposes and does not replace our normal visitor sign-in process.

Adults needs to continue physical distancing of 1.5 metres whenever and wherever possible.  This requirement does not apply to people who live together.  Parents are encouraged to wear a mask when entering the school grounds particularly where minimum social distancing may not be possible outside.

A reminder that any person who is unwell or symptomatic must not attend the school.

If you are a registered volunteer and able to assist the class teacher with the Sports Day activities, please advise your child’s teacher.



8:50am School commences
9:00am Opening ceremony – all classes in Hall

Please note that due to current COVID-19 restrictions, parents will not be able to enter the Hall to view the opening ceremony

9:25 – 10.45am Reception – Year 2 classes only
11:00 -11:20am RECESS
11:30am – 12.45pm Years 3 and 4 classes only
12.50 – 1:30pm LUNCH
1:30 – 2:40pm Year 5/6 classes only
2:40pm Year 6 championship race & Presentation
3:00pm School finishes


The Canteen will be open on Sports Day.  Please order at the canteen or through the Qkr app.  Parents attending Sports Day are also welcome to make purchases from the canteen.


Michelle and Paul