Tuesday, Term 4, Week 7

Welcome to Tuesday.


Daily Routine:

Snapshot of Learning: Today we spoke about letters. We will be writing letters in our book making sessions over the next couple of weeks. We introduced the process of sending letters or parcels to other people. The students drew their house, with their letterbox and someone delivering the mail.

What do you know about letters/mail and post offices?

Clara- You can send letters to people.

Ryder- When you order something it comes in the mail.

Xavier- You can post the package. Write your name it.

Avelyn- If you order something online you have to go to the post office and get it.

Oscar H- The post man will come to your house and does a delivery.

Kunal- It has your name on the post letter.

Rozy- How they know it’s your box when you post it you have to call them and tell them what you want.

Luciano- If they order some books at your house you just get them. You hear the ding dong and then you pick it up.

Avelyn- If the person doesn’t know what your address is you have to tell them on the phone.

How does the mail come to your house?

Mason L- The postman drives on a motorbike.

Have a great evening and see you tomorrow 🙂