Life is Full of Surprises


The Gospel reading for this Sunday is the story of Zacchaeus.The story demonstrates how Jesus reached out to the most unlikely of his followers, Zacchaeus a wealthy tax collector. I believe that Jesus’ act of kindness led to Zacchaeus reciprocating with generosity towards the poor and those that he defrauded.

Hence, when we reach out to someone who least expects it their gratitude exceeds our expectations.  For example, last year I received a gift from a parent whose child I had assisted with their learning throughout the year.

I did not expect this token of appreciation but because of my work both the child and parent wanted to extend their thanks. It goes to show that one act of kindness creates another.

 Furthermore, Jesus says the “Son of Man came to seek out and save the lost.” I believe this is a challenge for all of us to acknowledge those at the margins and assist them whenever we can rather than ignore them.The message  is said by Saint Francis who said,

“It is in giving that we receive.”

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