“Jesus told his disciples, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Matt.16: 24)I believe Jesus is exhorting us to have a social conscience. A person demonstrates this when they act for the benefit of others despite the fact that it might be at their own personal cost. However this is what we must be prepared do if we want to be followers of Jesus.
Just imagine if everyone took up that challenge of doing something for someone else even if it meant they were risking pain or suffering for themselves. The world would definitely be a different place if everyone was looking out for each other rather than seeking their own self-aggrandizement. Envisage a world without poverty, hunger, war, or unemployment perhaps then everyone’s life would have meaning and purpose. Hence we all would be valued and respected and thus not seeking power over others.
Consequently what Jesus proclaimed through his words and actions was the message of service not selfishness and this is the challenge if we want to take up the cross and be his disciples.